A man is reincarnated into Teyvat in the worst version of that world... The world's elemental energies instead of merely being funneled through a vision was found long ago capable of being absorbed into the body to enhance it greatly... Giving birth to cultivators within the land of Teyvat!
I really chapter one and I had to say. This is some good s*** and I mean good this story is awesome.
Got the Lore wrong. Mc tail should be just 1 not 9. Yae Miko have only 5 tail and she 500 years old when the game took place.
Despite the lack of chapters this is a great story, always love genshin, cant wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reveal Spoiler
From chapter one, I was drawn to the fact that he has a lot of potential and both his knowledge and the world he is in.I'll see if they develop and unfold as we go.I hope you don't let me down, or leave her hanging.
just read the first 4 chapters and I must say that the mc is pure mofu mofu. 10/10
No estoy comentando para hablar de esta historia si no para pedir a los que no saben que vayan apoyar a El Shortbus más largo / Warhammer 40k que actualmente está en scribblehub.com
i had my doubts but it turned out pretty amazing, 5 stars friend!
5 stars.
If it's Azazyel it's a must read no hold barred
I gave it the max rating because I honestly really love this story I love the idea I love the plot but I do wonder if MC's going to bang all the goddesses
not a bad story it has some problems with consistency but it is still good dispite that and I can't wait for more
Este autor, tiene buenas ideas pero la tasa de actualización le perjudica...................................................................
The hero's development is a bit fast in my opinion. But otherwise, it's an interesting story. PlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholder
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