Chapter 50

I had calmed down about the whole Arlecchino incident honestly... I enjoyed the cold actually, and if I was Sneznahya then I imagine I would have a Harbinger watching my every move.

And I would be safest with such a Harbinger watching me.

'If super Russia wants me to give me an industrial evolution, then I am going to profit off of it anyway.' I mused as I knew that my technology was not only so far beyond these meathead cultivators that it wasn't even funny.

But there was also the fact that parts of it ran off the Satisfactory game logic I passively emitted that came as part of my reincarnation. So it's not like even if they perfectly copied it completely, they for one would have absolutely zero fucking clue had computers even the simplest ones worked. But that game logic bit would force them to rely on me in case something happened to the factory.

And now with my home's sanctity tainted with apparently abyssal energy from Arlecchino tearing space and time a new asshole with her teleport. I was sitting within a nice park, drinking a mug of tea I bought from one of the nearby stands while listening to a rather talented musician playing some music on their guiqin.

Though as I was just relaxing and listening to the music my lips twitched as a blond... Very much not at all Liyue young woman took a set in front of me on the bench that was across from me with the park chess set separating us.

"Hello, would you mind playing some chess with me?" She asked brightly and I took in the woman and saw she was wearing very European-style clothes in some tighter leather and fabrics that clun to their well developed frame. Which was a clear sign of being Mondstadt style.

I raised an eyebrow and asked calmly. "You know how to play Liyue-style chess?" 

The blond actually paused before giggling and saying. "Mondstadt style please." I nodded and then we began playing with her taking the first move while the guiqin's music filled the background.

"Sooo... I am from Mondstadt as you can tell." She started and I made a humming noise and took one of her pieces while I palmed a hand cannon under the table that was pointed at her waist from below.

"I can tell... Blond hair is very uncommon outside of Monstadt and Fontainne, and you have neither a thousand decorations on your clothes nor a hat that costs more than most make in a month of work. So you are obviously from Mondstadt."

The woman's face twitched before I continued. "So, you came to me for a reason. Playing chess with me, most certainly wasn't the reason, merely a reason to speak with me and not have my protectors shoot an arrow into your head from across Liyue Harbor."

And even as I said that I heard a ghostly giggle and thin threads of razor sharp hydro threads caress my body teasingly before fading back out of my sight as Yelan went back into her true invisibility.

But the woman in front of me... She received no such teasing caress from Yelan as I could see red lines across her exposed neck, and wrists where Yelan would have carved her into a pile of giblets should she have proven hostile to me.

'One of Sneznahya's butchers comes and messes with me and now Yelan, the scary-ass dommy assassin is watching my every move. Oh, joy.' I thought with amusement as I took a sip of my tea.

And with a clinking noise. I put my tea cup on the chess table with the ceramic mug clinking against the polished stone table and chess board. "So, who do you serve? Are you from Mondstadt in truth? If so, which noble family do you serve, and of course... What do you want?" I mused aloud as though asking the question.

But I cut her off as I eyed her with amusement. "Wait... Let me guess." Taking in the blond more, I blinked as I actually recognized her fully. In Barbara the nun who used to serve in the church of Barbatos in normal Genshin Impact anyway. Here... I don't even know if Barbatos/Venti still had a church.

"Hmm, you are part of Mondstadt's noble familes for sure... And in fact, I think I see your sister in you, Jean Gunhhildr... So that's the family you are part of, and as for the rest... I assume you are here about Mondstadt's crippling deficiency in metal correct?" 

Her face twitched before she sighed and said. "Yes Jake, My name is Barbara Pegg, and I am here to see if you could help Mondstadt in acquiring more metal." 

"I prefer to use my father's name of Pegg though if you don't mind." She added quickly making me raise an eyebrow before I shifted and spoke with honest curiosity.

"Barbara, I have a question. Why is it that Mondstadt has such a constant metal shortage? It's not like Mondstadt is lacking in metal naturally or doesn't have deposits?" 

Her face darkened before she slumped and said tiredly. "It's something we keep from the civilians... But in reality, the monsters of Mondstadt almost always bear highly acidic blood that turns all metal specifically, into piles of rusted scrap. Their blood even quickly dissolves and taints the air and even if you don't kill them with a metal weapon the tainted air will seemingly curse the weapon to become a rusted hunk of junk!" She ranted with annoyance.

Barbara took a deep breath and then said bluntly. "It's why Mondstadt prioritizes martial artists over cultivator warriors the vast majority of time besides pure spell caster cultivators. But even then their catalysts can become rusted junk as well!"

'Hmm... So they have the martial artists go full-on hand-to-hand combat besides being armed with trash weapons they don't mind being ruined. Well besides the treasure weapons that can resist whatever oxidizing agent the monsters are letting out when they bleed.' I mused.

I wondered if I coated some metal weapons in hardened rubber to isolate the metal from the acid, if that would be enough. But I shrugged and with zero shame I said.

"Well... That sucks for Mondstadt, I got Liyue's two hell pits to account for. And now I have been volunteered to be sent to Sneznahya to freeze my ass off there re-making my factories there." 

Barbara's face twitched before she spoke with confusion. "Wait. You been volunteered? Liyue is sending you to Sneznahya?" She asked utterly bamboozled.

And in response, I slurped my tea as I looked at her darkly before I put my cup down and said blankly. "Nope... Had the Knave of the Tsaritsa pop into my fucking bedroom and wish me happy nuptials for my upcoming wedding this weekend and tell me I was coming with her after I get married." 

The nun of Mondstadt obviously had no idea how to answer that.