Chapter 32

Cloud Retainer's question... 'What was my marital status.' Now that was a loaded question sorta.

I gave a small smile as I said respectfully. "I am currently courting Keqing, the acting leader of Liyue's Mililith. I am sure your adopted daughters are ladies of great beauty and talent but I am committed to the woman I love." 

Cloud Retainer made a tsking noise as she looked at me in annoyance and said with a frown. "No no no. A young man in your prime especially with your physique needs to spread his talents. You need a good woman who-"

But Ningguang coughed and cut in with a flat expression. "Lady Cloud Retainer, I do hope you aren't going to suggest demoting my adorable Yuhung down to a concubine or something to that effect. So that you may bind Jake to the Cloud Refining Sect."

There was a moment of silence before Cloud Retainer shook her head with a suspiciously even expression as she waved her hand saying. "Oh, dear heavens no. One was simply going to point out that Jake obviously is being ragged with no competent help as he has to go out and source all his materials." 

To Cloud Retainer's point Ningguang's face twitched with annoyance as the bird-themed immortal Adeptus continued her... Honestly rather valid points. "First he had to spend an entire morning sourcing and making deals with the Gold Hoarder of Sumeru, and then he has to pick up his own food for lunch and travel all over Liyue to do all these chores... To say nothing of Keqing having to hurt him in trying to save him, when one of the Yaksha rather rudely decided to test their awareness. He needs more protection and some form of a helper." 

My lips twitched as I asked frankly. "You mean like another bodyguard or a secretary?" 

Cloud Retainer snapped her fingers with a smile as she beamed at me. "Indeed! Yes, a secretary is what people from Mondstadt call them, One's has a number of adopted daughters could easily fit that into those two roles, and frankly... One would call it a favor to mine august self as both of them have just finished fighting in the Depth and need a more relaxed break that will allow them to keep their edge still." 

Honestly... She was kinda right. If I had some people that were trustworthy and intelligent enough. I could easily increase my efficiency for my plans and by trustworthy I meant someone that wouldn't fuck me and by extension Liyue over. And if she meant her adopted daughters in Ganyu and Shenhe then I knew I should be in good hands.

Though... I wasn't sure if that was who she meant, but either way the Hydro Yaksha was a powerful reminder that there were powerful people who wouldn't like the positive changes I was bringing to Liyue with the bounty of metal and spirit stones I was giving away to Ningguang in return for her protection and support.

"I would be willing to work with them Lady Cloud Retainer. Though about the puppets to work my previous factory." I hinted with her huffing and saying.

"One would think you were just paying One'self lip service if I didn't also know the desire to get back to One's projects... Oh very well you have these tier three, Puppet Guardian Squad." She spoke with some pain at giving this away as from her hand wave came five, slightly taller than my self humanoid puppets that stood stiffly in place but with their chests having openings for spirit stones to be put inside of it.

"Now, here is to the refinement method to take control of the puppets and with your cultivation of being a half-step tier 1 cultivator you must not direct the puppets in battle and merely must give them the directions that you wish for them to do your factories chores." Cloud Retainer explained as she also made a small yellow jade stick float over to me.

I nodded in understanding while Ningguang hummed in thought before she spoke curiously. "So Jake, besides your gunships and those mechs as you call them. What plans do you have for larger more permanent defensive weapons that could be locked into a single place."

Raising an eyebrow as I put away the puppets and the control method into one of my spatial rings on my hand. I asked for clarification. "Well it depends on what you need out of the weapons? I can make emplaced anti air weapons that will shoot targeted explosives into the air that can wipe out weaker large numbers of flyers." 

As I began to list and just listed that one option. Cloud Retainer instantly said. "One desires such a sample of a weapon as well. To see how it compares to One's own Divine Slaying Balista!" 

My lips twitched at how... Competitive she sounded but regardless I continued on. "That, or I was thinking along the lines of my sniper weapon I previously sold to your guards. But far larger and would be specialized in killing larger or high cultivation monsters." 

Both ladies shared a look of confusion with Ningguang smiling wryly and saying. "Jake, you do realize that Nascent Soul cultivators or Saint-ranked martial artists have energy shields that can instinctively block a great deal of physical power. At that level, it's all about dealing more conceptual damage such as punching someone directly in the soul in the words of the martial artists." 

To that, I smiled and said frankly. "But such a blow would make the monsters more open to cultivators or martial artists to attack to say nothing of how overwhelmingly effective it would be upon a tier three monster who wouldn't have such protections."

In the end, I shrugged as I said frankly. "I honestly don't know how much you guys need the weapons. Besides the endless demon bats, and the few demon beasts I ran into while making my first factory I have no true reference to the lethality of munitions and weaponry the Abyss requires." 

For a moment Cloud Retainer looked angry before she visibly calmed down and sighed saying. "One forgets that despite your genius you haven't rose up through power and naturally saw the horrors that fill the world. But to put it simply young man... The more dangerous and deadly the better simply put."

My lips twitched before I helplessly looked at Ningguang who solemnly nodded giving me no help whatsoever! But seeing no help I just changed the topic as I asked. "Well in this case, I suppose I should wait for your disciples and adopted daughters before I leave Liyue, Lady Cloud Retainer?" 

Cloud Retainer nodded quickly with taking out a Jade Slip that glowed and shot out through a small open window as she said with a smile crossing her face. "Indeed Jake, One has already sent a Jade stick message that will tell them to meet us here. Once you meet them, you will be a good deal safer in traveling the world."