Escape the Lava

The commander slept for a couple of hours as he waited for Henry to return. He knew that, while Henry was hurting, he was still a good knight and even though they didn't have a shelter around them, Callum was a light sleeper. 

When he awoke to the sliver of moon shining over Polona in a clear, starlit sky, he saw that Henry still sat at the edge of the ancient lava flow. 

The man ran a hand over his face and sighed. He felt rested enough and decided to retrieve Henry. 

He reached down and put a hand on the younger knight's shoulder. 

"It's your turn to sleep, Henry," he insisted. "I'll keep watch and let you know if anything changes." 

The young knight didn't have any objection left inside of him. He wordlessly responded with a nod and stood up.

"We'll stay here for one more day to see if she doesn't show," the commander said. "But it's about time we left Polona. Frankly, you aren't looking well and we found what we came for."