Push and Pull

The hollow knocking of a fist against old wood rang through the room and the commander's dark eyes opened and immediately narrowed at the interruption to his sleep. 

The sun was just above the horizon but he had been planning on sleeping for longer because he assumed Henry would take full advantage of the day and rest for a long time. 

There was only one person who might have heard he was in Idona. 

"Callum, I know you're in there!" Katerina called out in a bright voice. "The innkeeper is my friend after all." 

Callum groaned like a bear that had been woken up too early from hibernation and found that there was still snow on the ground. 

"I'll be down later," he grumbled, his gruff voice even deeper than normal as tiredness still gripped the knight. 

Katerina crossed her arms and the necklaces draped around her neck and down her chest lightly clanked with the movement. She was determined to wake the sleeping giant.