The next day...

"Beeeeeelllllleeeeeee!" Belle looked around and it was exactly when Allen came running to her and hugged her before Eli could come out of his car. "How was your work yesterday? Did you manage to finish your task?"

Belle gently patted Allen's shoulder and the man finally let go of her. "I managed to do things properly. E-Eli was very patient when teaching me what to do as well."

"That's great! I actually wanted to invite you for dinner yesterday but something came up. Anyway! Good luck with work!" He stole another bear hug from her and run away as if a bolt of lightning struck him. On the other hand, Eli was standing on the side with a dark expression on his face.


"Belle, let's eat lunch." Allen invited when he saw her walking down the corridor alone. She was holding three clipboards from the nurse station and was probably bringing it back to Eli's office. Seizing this chance, he wanted to sit down and have a meal with her.

Belle only smiled faintly and waved the clipboards in front of him. "I have to refuse. I need to bring these back to Dr. - I mean to Eli for work. Besides, we brought food for lunch."

"Oh! That's too bad. I'll treat you to lunch next time."


At the next plight of stairs, Eli was watching the two interact and he felt so annoyed whenever Allen pops out of nowhere to talk with Belle. The man just wouldn't stop pestering her when she already has a boyfriend. [Well, pretend boyfriend.] Eli corrected himself before leaving. [How should I get rid of him?]

On the fourth day since Belle came back to work, Allen came knocking on Eli's office during lunch. Seeing his face was more than enough to ruin Elis' mood.

[Why is he here? Is he going to pester you again? I'm telling you girl; this dude has the hots for you.] Ceres commented in Belle's mind when she saw that Allen came to visit with something in hand. They all thought it was a gift but...

"Can I join you guys for lunch?"

Both Eli and Belle went speechless. Even Belle who considered Allen as her friend couldn't understand why the man was doing this. In the past, although they spent time together, he was never this persistent. He would only look for her when he has time. Now, it feels like he always has time for her.

"We won't be eating lunch in the cafeteria." Belle retorted when she noticed that Eli wasn't saying anything – not even looking at their guest anymore and just continued on his work. "We brought lunch today as well."

"I know." Allen answered instantly as he sat on the couch and made himself comfortable. "I brought my own lunch, too. I just thought that eating with you guys is better than eating alone."

"You don't have friends? Is that why you are clinging to my girlfriend whenever you can?"

Belle was shocked at the bluntness of Eli's words, "How could you say that? Allen has a lot of friends - "

"And why are you defending him?"

"I'm not. I'm just saying that it was rude to question him that way. Allen and I ate lunch in the past most of the time."

"And you even remembered your past with him?"

Belle pressed her fingers on her temple and rubbed it in circular motion as she spoke softly to the sulking man in front of her. "Eli. I have no control of what I can and can't remember. I just happened to recall things with him."

"Then, try recalling our memories, too." Eli retorted angrily, stood up and left without turning back. Belle was left there stunned, unmoving while Allen tried his best not to laugh at the situation.

Ceres: [Do you even have memories with Eli?]

(I do, but they're not worth thinking over and over again. He might not even remember those things. I was just a passerby in his life until the medical mission. I was of no importance to him.)

Ceres pondered over what she said because when Belle said the memories weren't worth thinking over, she caught her replaying those moments and it was indeed a sad thing.

"I don't feel like eating anymore. I'll head out and eat my lunch alone." Allen left without waiting for Belle's reply. It wasn't really his intention to eat there with Eli and Belle. He just wanted to mess with Eli who hurt Belle in the past.

When Eli came back 30 minutes later, he found Belle slumped on the table with their bentos on it. She was obviously waiting for him. His heart ached after realizing what he did but thinking back to Allen, he still couldn't stop himself from feeling annoyed.

"Belle?" He called out softly while gently patting her shoulder. He was torn between waking her up and not waking her. She seemed exhausted.

He didn't have any appointment until 1:30PM which means they still have a lot of time to spend. Thinking this way, Eli sat on the chair across Belle and watched her sleep.

[I have to keep this sleeping face all to myself! Hmph! I will never allow a certain Allen Morgan to steal her!]