Belle mumbled, "I'm tired" and let her body free-fall on the soft bed in her room. She didn't know what was going on with Allen anymore. It felt like he was annoying them intentionally, at the same time, she wasn't really annoyed by his sudden change in attitude. In fact, she was happy that he was reaching out to her voluntarily.

[You like that guy?!] Ceres exclaimed deep inside her mind which made Belle roll her eyes. Ceres always makes simple things a big deal.

"I like him as a friend. Allen was never mean to me. Although we rarely spent time together, when I needed him the most, he was there for me."

[Then, where was he when you found out about Neon's condition?]

Belle sank into silence for a moment. "I didn't tell him anything about Neon. I'm not even sure if he has found out the truth already. As a person, I don't want him to think that I neglected my brother and that almost cost him his life."

[Does his opinion matter?]

"I don't know."

Belle stared at the ceiling with little butterflies plastered on them. They were glow-in-the-dark stickers and they look beautiful during the night. Belle learned that it was Eli's sister who designed it before when she stayed over in his home.

[I won't say anything about Allen anymore since you consider him as friend. I just hope that he won't be a hindrance to our relationship with Eli.]

"What are you talking about? We have no relationship with Eli. You have to keep it mind that we're only pretending to be lovers. You will get hurt if you take things seriously."

[Aren't you wishing that this would come true?]

"I wished for it before but, I'm over it already. I don't need my head on the clouds anymore. I have to stay grounded for Neon."

Ceres didn't say anything more about it. She knew that Belle was one stubborn woman and it would be difficult to change her mind. She could only hope that her stone heart will slowly melt as time goes by.

"Let's go and borrow his laptop. There should be a reply to our request tonight."

[Isn't he going to use it?]

"Then what shall we do? I don't have a phone yet."

[Fine. Fine.]

Belle has rested her body for quite sometime already so she went out to find Eli and borrow his laptop for a moment. She needed to check if there was an update to her godmother's whereabout.

This time, if she ever finds her again, she won't be softhearted anymore. For Neon, she needed to turn her heart to a stone.

[An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.]

Belle nodded her head in agreement - steeling her resolve and determination for revenge.

Eli was watching a TV series about a good doctor who has autism yet, still became the number one in his department. She didn't need to ask why he likes the series since it was very obvious as long as you know his profession.


Eli didn't answer or utter a single thing. He didn't even look at her as if he didn't hear anything.

Belle scratched the side of her face from the awkwardness and left to go to the kitchen.

Eli turned his head to look at her and frowned. [That's it?! She didn't even try calling me name!] No matter how wrong he felt, there was nothing he can do if that was what Belle wants to call him.

"You take over my body." Belle said and right after she finished her words, she was pulled back to her consciousness and Ceres came out to do the rest. (Don't do anything stupid.) She reminded Ceres whom she knew has ulterior motive when it comes to Eli.

"Got it." Ceres opened the refrigerator and found the fruits that they just bought from the supermarket. She sliced some apples and a little bit of watermelon before returning the rest. They can have those for later once Neon comes back with Eli's parents.

She arranged them on a plate and brought them out to the living room where Eli was watching the TV show.


Eli stiffened at the softness of her voice when she called his name - gone was the cold and aloof tone she just used earlier.

" can have them first. I'll cook for dinner. Can you ask your parents and Neon if they wanted anything specific?"

"Why don't you call them?" Eli questioned and before she could even refused he handed his phone to her already.


Eli used the fork to get some fruits while watching Belle from his peripheral vision. Sometimes, it seems to him that he was dealing with two different people. Belle was sometimes warm and cold to him. There were times that she would call him softly by his first name but most of the time, it was the distant word 'doc' when they're alone. Sometime, she would appear stiff next to him and there were times that she was acting naturally as if she was really his girlfriend.

In short, he couldn't fathom her thoughts. He couldn't read her either.

But one thing was for sure, the Belle right now, after the accident, she was no longer weak. She found her own voice to retort. She wasn't a pushover that does everything her seniors told her to even if it was against her principles.



"Why are you looking at me? Just so you know, I am very sensitive to people's gazes."

"Oh? Was I looking at you?"

"Your conscience can tell you the answer."

Eliezer only grinned and didn't say anything. He didn't expect that she would notice him looking at her.

(You could have called them, you know. You're taking so much time.)

[That's exactly why I am texting them. Stop being nosy. I wasn't doing anything stupid. I am just sitting here beside him. Is that also a no go?]

(You're impossible! Eli is not the general! For all we know, the general could be out there!)

As if the world stopped spinning, Ceres stopped moving at Belle's words. It never occured to her that General Joaquin could have transmigrated as well, just like her.

[We've got to find a monk soon. Very, very soon. I have questions I wanted to know the answers even if they will label me crazy.]


[If it's confirmed that Eli and Gen. Joaquin has connections, you cannot stop me from making things up to him. I owe him so much in my last life.]

(We'll talk about that when the time comes. For now, get your *ss off the couch and cook. Don't forget to borrow the laptop later.)

"Here, Eli." Ceres muttered softly and smiled beautifully when she returned his phone. That caught Eli off-guard and he almost blushed from the closeness of her face when she leaned over.

(Idiot! You didn't have to do that!)

[You are just envious because you can't do it.]

(It's my body!)

Ceres only chuckled and left. Eli who heard the faint laughter thought Belle was laughing at him. His eyes automatically shifted to her lips. [Hold on, Eli. You are not supposed to look at that part of her body.]

The house has a harmonious atmosphere but without anyone knowing, two souls were arguing in one body while the other was torn between his heart and mind.

An hour later, both of them perked up their ears when they heard a car pulling over to Eli's parking space. Neon stepped out of the car and came running with a small canvas in hand.

"Belle. Belle." He shouted even though he was still outside the house. As soon as Eli opened the door for Neon and his parents who were walking behind him, Neon hugged Eli's thigh. "We're home, Eli. I got something for you and my sister."

"Oh, really? What is it?"

Neon pulled Eli to the living room and at this moment, Belle also came out to see her brother. Eli's parents came in without waiting for Eli's invitation. They knew he wouldn't have the time to take care of them now that Neon has gotten his attention.

"Look at this." Neon showed the canvas where there was a house, a car and several people painted on it. "Auntie brought me to a painting class because she was looking for a place where Andrei can draw without any disruption. I made this as a trial."

"Wow! This looks amazing!" Eli commented and gave Neon's head a gentle pat. "Let's take a picture of this and send it to Andrei."

"O-okay." Neon answered and waited for Eli to finish taking the picture. "This is you and this is my sister. This is Andrei and this is auntie. This one is uncle and this one is me." Neon said while pointing at the people he painted. "I was told to draw a family picture but I said that I only have friends. The teacher agreed. Oh! Wait a sec." Neon put down his bag and pulled a piece of paper with a not-so-human if Belle may honestly say but she was touched with the words written below the picture. "Belle, this is for you alone. I hope you will like it. You are my best, best, best sister and best friend. So, I made one exclusively yours."

Watching the little guy in front of her, Belle blinked her eyes to stop her tears from falling. She didn't know what she did in her life that brought this innocent young man to love her. She was a negligent sister but Neon never took it against her and still continued to live for her.


"Th-thank you." Belle said but, despite her control, her voice cracked. "I will love you always and forever. No one will ever replace your spot in my heart."

[Your brother deserves happiness. Let's work on it.]

(Hm. Thank you, Ceres.)

If she has her own body now, Ceres would have shivered from the sudden gratefulness that Belle showed. It was unusual for her to be this polite and courteous to her. [You don't have any serious illness that could kill you any moment, right?]

(Tsk! You're the ill one!)