Note: Some of the descriptions might be uncomfortable for you so I am just warning you ahead of time. 😅 I hope you're not eating while reading this.

Half an hour later, Emilia returned to her senses and saw the empty plates first. Not only this intruder was planning to kill her, he even ate the dinner that she prepared for herself earlier.

Yes, Emilia thought that the person in front of her was a man because of the voice changer device that Ceres purchased through illegal deals online. To begin with, Belle didn't have a huge chest so it was easy to cover it up with a bandage.

Emilia wanted to ask a question but she moved her mouth to say something, she realized that she was gagged with a dirty rag that she used to wipe the table. It was stinky and a little wet because she just used it earlier and now, she was forced to gulp down the dirty excess coming from it. She retched to vomit but the things she wanted to throw up ended up stuck in her mouth and she has no other choice but to swallow them.

Her eyes were red and tears were falling down her face but the person in front of her was just watching silently cross-legged. No words and no movements. He was like a tiger observing his prey before pouncing on it.

One minute. Two minutes.

Five minutes later, the man finally moved and stood up from his seat. He walked to the kitchen and took out the food from the fireplace after boiling them again. If she arrived without these dishes, Ceres would use the boiled water inside her insulated Aqua flask. Otherwise, the plan changed.

She poured the content of the dishes into a huge bowl and placed it on the table. Tonight, she would unleash the devil within her.

Ceres was worried for Belle after the original soul took her body back but she also wanted the woman to exact this revenge for her brother. [If you can't do it, I'd be happy to do it on your behalf.]

(Don't bother. I'm not weak.)

Watching the intruder come closer to her, Emilia squirmed on the wooden sofa to which she was tied to. She wanted to escape but the cloth used to bind her feet and hands together wasn't easy to break.

"It's time for you to pay for your crime," Belle said and cut Emilia's clothes with the sharp knife she was using earlier. "Shh. Stop moving. I might accidentally cut you instead."

Emilia stopped moving in fear that she'd be sliced with her own knife but her tears never ceased to fall on the side of her face. She was helpless against this person who intruded on her house.

Emilia was left with her undergarments on and it intensified her fear and humiliation. She moved her thighs a little closer as if to cover herself from being exposed which didn't work out as how she wanted it to.

Belle pulled the dining table close to her and using a ladle, she scooped the hot saucy dish and hovered it over Emilia Berkins. The sauce dripped on the woman's stomach and she moaned in pain then, Belle poured the remaining dish on her.

Emilia cried even more and squirmed like a worm whose tail was cut off. Her loud scream was muffled with no chance of anyone hearing her call for help.

Belle scooped the dish again and even when she saw Emilia shaking her head, begging her to stop, she ignored her and poured the dish on her thighs. One. Two. Three. Four...Seven...Ten...Emilia didn't know anymore. All she could do was scream in pain as the intruder continued to pour down the dish on her. The sliced potatoes and carrots were sticking to her skin and it added to the pain even more.

Her thighs, legs, stomach, arm, and chest; only her face and back were left unscathed. Emilia felt so exhausted after screaming for so long and after an hour, she fainted.

If you think Belle stopped there when Emilia fainted, you are wrong.

Belle waited for the woman to regain her consciousness once again. She sat there waiting for her to open her eyes. Thankfully, there was a wall clock in the living room that helps her monitor the time she was away from the hot spring resort.

Some time passed and Emilia blinked her eyes open once again. She saw the man in front of her and she instinctively move away from him but her swollen skin and blisters made her cry bitterly in pain. She felt like dying already.

"You hurt a lot of people for personal gain and you are deserving of this punishment. Don't ever think of calling the police because a case has been filed against you for child abuse. No one will pity a woman like you."

[Did you file a case against her?]

(Not really. I'm just threatening her.)

[Oh! I thought you really did.]

(Someone will. Just wait for it.)

Belle sprinkled sugar on Emilia's lower body and onto the floor as well. With the sauce from the dish, the sugar easily clung to her skin and to her horror, Belle opened a small jar with so many ants inside it.

"You probably didn't see this coming with your gentle façade but you can no longer hide the truth from everyone. I have gathered pieces of evidence already and soon; you will be sent to jail."

Emilia banged her head on the wooden couch, wanting to end her life instead of suffering from so much pain but Belle placed a cushion for her head instead. There was no way she would allow this woman to escape her punishment. Death wasn't even an option for her.

The ants started crawling up on her skin and bit her everywhere. Not only was she suffering from the blisters and swollen skin but, there was that pain caused by the ants as well.

Belle watched her for an hour, and she found that she didn't feel an ounce of guilt for what she did. She wasn't happy either.

[You don't have to think that you are going crazy or that you are a psychopath. You didn't enjoy the revenge, right?]

(I really thought I would be happy if I make her experience the pain that Neon did. What I did wasn't even one-tenth of what she did to my brother. Then, why? Why am I in so much pain? I looked up to her like a real mother. I respected her. I treated her kindly for taking us in. Then, why did she have to hurt my innocent brother?)

Ceres wanted to rub Belle's back to comfort her but they have the same body and there was no way she could pat her own back. Ceres felt awful. Belle wasn't the vengeful type of person but she became like this because Ceres influenced her thoughts with hers.

[I'm sorry for making you go through this, Belle.]

Belle stood up and finally left the house through the main door. She didn't bother closing it because it was her intention to let people find Emilia in the morning. In that way, someone could bring her to the hospital before she dies.

[You are too kind.] Ceres commented and sighed. [Let's go back. We don't have much time to run back from here to the resort.]

The next day, the news of a woman who was almost tortured to death in her home in Arayat Village has spread far and wide. Eli also heard about this news but since he was on vacation and the woman was sent to the hospital early in the morning, he didn't care much about it.

As for Belle, she had a great time in the hot spring early in the morning. She already pushed the night's event to the back of her mind. She didn't need such a nightmarish event to stay in her brain. She has no more space for it.