[Bonus chapter]A MAN SHE TRUSTS

On their way back home, Belle slept the entire way after telling Eli to drop her off at the temple that they passed by yesterday. She wanted to see a monk there who could help her and Ceres. She wanted to know why she was alive with a foreign soul inside her body.

Since she was dozing off, Neon and Eli chatted in whispers on the way back. Supposedly, only Belle wanted to visit the temple but since the three of them were together, it would be a waste if they won't go with her. In any case, they'd be going to the same house. What's there to worry about if they would make a detour together as well?

"Belle," Eli called out while gently tapping her face. "Belle, we're here." She was still sleeping soundly next to him.

If it was someone else, Ceres would be vigilant every second of her life but since it was Eli, she put a little trust in him and lowered her guard down. It took Eli almost five minutes before successfully woke her up.