[Golden Ticket Bonus 3] JILLYANNA'S SUSPICIONS

"Since it's getting hotter here, why don't we continue this in the gym?" Travis suggested after seeing his son's flushed face from the sunlight. 

Everyone agreed and they all went back inside the mansion and went directly to the indoor gym which Travis built for his family. It would be better to have it instead of visiting the gyms outside, which would put her family's safety at risk. 

Top was already training the kids along with Travis and Riley when they arrived to visit them, so he decided to wait for Belle to finish stretching. 

"How about you, Eli? Aren't you interested in learning something to defend yourself against bad people?" Riley asked while watching Belle getting ready to fight. 

"I don't think that's necessary. I mean, who would do something to me? I'm not rich like you guys. I'm not a public figure. Surely, I don't make enemies when I am just working as a doctor."