[Golden Ticket Bonus 4] THE BEGINNING I

As far as he could remember, it all started for only-God-knows-how long. A millennium? Two? Three or perhaps several millenniums ago, hopping from one world to another. He lost count already. He wore different faces, lived different paths in life, became poor, became rich, and carried different names, yet the woman he loved was one and the same. 

The beginning was so clear in his mind as if it happened yesterday and it was the only period that he got the chance to be with her 'til death took them apart. 

War broke out between the two kingdoms of Azmut and Zanon. Soldiers marched as pawns to their King's order and to increase their numbers, men of 16-35 years old were forced to join the battle. 

At this point, he was just an ordinary man named, Ulric. He belonged to the Kingdom of Zanon and was forced to join the army at the age of sixteen. Thinking that he'd be able to protect the kingdom and the woman who promised to wait for him, he did his best.