Together forever

I knew something was wrong when Suzy suddenly disappeared. I was following her every day since she stopped talking to me after I rejected her love in the name of being a bad boy.

I lied to her. I was in love with her from the moment we met. But I was afraid of falling for someone and then loosing them.

I have seen Ethan in very bad condition after losing his beloved ones and had laughed at him for loving again even after facing the pain of losing someone earlier.

And now, his that face was haunting me at the thought of losing her. I wanted to be close to her but not get involved emotionally; which I was too late to do that. And so, I told her to remain my just friend and nothing more.

But she refused to keep contact with me as it was impossible for her to stay my just friend after confessing her feelings. So, to find a distraction from me, she met some guy. I was jealous of him but I had to make sure she was safe with him.

I did my research and kept an eye on him. He was a very weird person. I met all the girls he met and compelled them to tell me about him. All of them responded the same that, he is abusive and a psyco.

I warned Suzy about him but she didn't listened to me and continued to be with him. She seemed happy so, I stopped bothering her but never stopped following.

When I didn't find her going to or coming from her office or home I went to that guy's home and found her badly injured. And he had a knife at her throat and was accusing her of cheating on him with someone from the office.

I beat him bad. I wanted to rip his heart out but I didn't wanted to attract the hunters towards the house my brother lives in ! So, I compelled him to cut his wrist with the same knife he was holding at her throat.

I went to her and brought her home. I fed my blood to her and her injuries healed.

Amber is curious about why am I so concerned about her safety when, I don't give a fuck about any innocent. She is right, I don't give a fuck about any innocent; but she isn't just any innocent. She is the person I love with all my heart !

After Steve, she is the one I love the most and can do anything for her. And watching her bleed like that made my heart ache and unable to hold back my feelings for her anymore. I will kill anyone who will try to hurt her.

And I have decided if, she is ready to accept me now, I am not gonna turn my back on her feelings for the sake of saving my heart from breaking !

But before I do that, there is something I need to take care of. I was leaving the house to check whether that bastard died or not.

" Daniel ? "

Amber called for me.

" What's up, mama ? "

I said teasing her.

" Where are you going ? "

She asked.

Why does she needs to know that ? Since when does she cares for me or my whereabouts ?

" I call you mama just to tease you, you don't have to really act like my mama ! "

I said scoffing.

" I am not being your mama, I just want answers to my few questions. "

Amber said.

" Are we gonna play quiz now ? "

I said rolling his eyes.

I need to go why does she have to talk to right now ?

" How do you know Suzy ? "

Amber asked.

" And I thought you said you are not acting like my mama ! "

I said crossing his arms.

" She is my best friend, I have the right to know about her life ! "

She said getting aggressive

" Then why not ask her instead ? "

I said sticking out my tongue at her and left the house.

I went to his house and he was almost unconscious. I went to him and tapped his face,

" Hey, buddy. Still alive ? I thought you'd be dead by now ! "

I said.

" Why are you doing this ? Take me to the doctor. I don't want that bitch, you can keep her just don't let me die. "

He barely whispered.

Oh, he have the audacity to call her a bitch infront of me ?

" Well, she isn't just a bitch she is a badass bitch of this badass dog ! She was being considerate about you but I guess you don't deserve that. And so, I am gonna show you how does this dog bites who troubles his bitch ! "

I said menacingly.

" You will now take the knife and cut your tough for talking ill about my love. Then you will run it deeply over your arms, your legs, your stomach, your neck and finally, you will stab it in your heart ! "

I said smirking.

" Please don't make me do it. "

He begged while taking the knife towards his mouth and sticking out his tongue to chopp it off. I waited to see him cut his own body and finally stabbing the knife in his heart and die miserably.

I returned home and Eve came running to me.

" Uncle, I haven't seen you the entire day ! Where were you ? "

I picked her up in my arms and tousled her hair lovingly.

" Uncle was busy in some work baby. "

I said.

" Did you went hunting ? "

She asked looking at my blood stained shirt.

Damn that bastard, he wasted my two beautiful shirts with his dirty blood.

" Um...

Yeah, kinda ! Why don't you play with uncle Steve and I will go get changed ? "

I said.

" Yeah. And don't forget to take a bath. I know you don't like to but it keeps us clean. "

Eve said.

" Ok, mama ! "

I said surprised at her words.

Like mother like daughter ! She is just a miniature of Amber.

I went to my room to change my clothes. I opened the door and Amber and Suzy were hugging and crying.

" Well, who died ? "

I said trying to lighten up the mood.

" Shawn did ! "

Amber said eyeing my top to bottom and fixing her sight at the blood stains on my shirt.

" Cleaver girl ! "

I said winking at her.

" Ok, I am leaving now. Suzy you can come sleep in my room with me."

Amber said getting up.

" No need of doing that. Your vampire mate's pheromones are flooding for you. If he won't get some tonight, he might attract the others of our kind ! "

I said smirking.

Both of them gasped in shock at my words.

" You shameless bastard ! How you say such cheap things ? "

Amber said cursing at me and she threw a pillow at me.

I caught it mid way. How naive of her !

" What ? Would you prefer me saying that, he wanna fuck the hell out of ? "

I said.

" You rascal ! "

Amber said and stormed out of my room.

" How could say that so shamelessly ? "

Suzy said shaking her in disbelief.

" What wrong did I said ? It's written on his face that he is gonna start fucking her the very moment she will enter the room ! "

I said scoffing.

" Shut up man, you don't have to say everything even if, you know it ! "

Suzy said scolding me.

I wanted to talk to her about my feelings so, I let the argument go. I went to my closet and took out a t-shirt and went to the washroom and changed the stained shit.

I got her the cheese cake she loves, on my way back home. I took it and sat beside her.

" Here. "

I said handing it to her.

" What's this ? "

She asked confused.

" Open it and you will know it. "

I said smiling.

She opened the pack and gasped in happy surprise.

" You still remember ! "

She said getting emotional.

" Do you wanna know the real reason or the sweet one ? "

I asked smiling.

" Both of them ! "

She said smiling back.

" Sweet one, of course. How can I forget something you love ?

And the real one, my ability to remember each and every thing I hear once doesn't get out of my mind ! "

I said shrugging.

She laughed sweetly at my words.

" Well, the real one is better than the sweet one ! Because though, it's your ability to not get things out of your mind but just remembering the things you heard and applying them in correct place are two different things.

You got it for me, it is what's important for me. So many people remember random things but can't apply it. You did that for me, I am so touched. "

She said smiling looking down.

I put a finger under her chin and made her look at me.

" Can I listen your confession once again, sweetheart ? "

I whispered.

" It won't make any difference. I don't want to get my heart broken once again. "

She whispered looking away.

I cupped her face and made her look at me again.

" Can I request you to take me ? I have loved you from the time I met you but I was afraid of losing you and so, I said that I can't be with you and can't accept your feelings. I didn't wanted to loose you and so, asked you to be my friend.

But when you got with that bastard it made me jealous and wanted to kill him for looking at you with wrong intentions. I even followed him and found out what kind of man he is and warned you about him but you seemed happy with him and so, I gave up on troubling you.

Whenever I saw you with him my blood boiled with rage against myself for being a coward and not accepting my love for you.

I am so sorry I hurt your feelings and let that bastard hurt you mentally and physically. I should have stayed with you even though you asked me to stay away and should have saved you from him !

I love you Suzy. I love you so much. Please accept my apology and me. You know how stupid and coward I am. Just forgive me this once, I swearI will never let you go through any hardship ever again. "

I said wholeheartedly.

She cupped my face and pulled me closer and pecked my lips. I grabbed her neck and pulled her into a hard and urgent kiss.

After a few moments we parted and she touched her forehead to mine and whispered,

" I never stopped loving you, silly. "