23:I'll raise hell for you

The heart I was looking for isn't mine," Soren confessed to Javier. The king's attention was drawn to the male. "It's the weapon designed to kill me," Soren added.

Javier's jaw dropped. His heart skittered in fear. The meaning behind Soren's words hit home hard. Javier realized what that information meant for them.

His worst fear had manifested into a reality. A weapon that could kill his beloved had arrived in Arendar. Like a fool, he brought that weapon before Soren and even insisted for his dragonling give him a chance.

"Your slave is the one person in the whole wide world that can kill me," Soren put the king's thoughts into words. Confirming the scary thoughts manifesting in Javier's mind.

"We kill him before he kills you," Javier uttered without hesitation.

Soren stared at the king. He saw the reflection of his heart in Javier's eyes. The burning passion to survive he felt when he found out the truth was mirrored in the king's eyes to perfection.