31: Amoela's presence

Adnan lowered his gaze.

His heart skittered with fear. The King of Arendar gad gotten weirder with Soren's passing.

It scared him. For he had no clue what was going on in the king's mind. He was the one who killed Soren and for a moment he had a feeling the king looked at him as though he was Soren. The feeling sent his heart to panic.

"Will you feed me, I'm hungry," Javier asked fondly. Adnan bit his lower lip. He obeyed the king's request. He set down the spoon he used and picked a clean one. "Use this one," the king said pointing at the spoon Adnan set down.

"It's dirty," Adnan let out in a notch above a whisper.

"I don't mind," Javier claimed. His words sent both Adnan and the queen out of their mind.

"Your majesty I can do that. No need to..."