32: Amoela's presence (2)

Amoela took her place by the king as though she was his queen. Holding her head high as she tended to Javier.

"A message arrived from Zarlos, there is some rebellion sighted among those who made it out before Soren got to them," Amoela briefed the king. "They seek revenge for the cruelty Soren showed them," she added.

"Mmh," the king reacted swallowing the chunks in his mouth.

"The duke wishes to accompany you to Zarlos. He wishes an audience regarding his sister with whom he wishes to become your new queen," Amoela went on to say. "Sightings have been made at the corner of the forbidden forest of a Sajutarai. With your permission I can investigate and see what it means, my lord," she summed up.

The queen watched her with shock. All the while she had been under the impression that Amoela was a clueless little girl. Her beliefs shattered after watching the servant update the king on matters she knew nothing of despite being the queen of Arendar.