35: I will carry you with me

The queen ran as her feet could carry her back to her palace. On arrival she created a mess of things, breaking anything that her hands could touch. Her anger was beyond compare.

When she thinks the king can't stoop any lower, he belittled her even more. She had reached her limits. Nothing she does was ever going to be enough to catch the king's eyes.

The problem was with him and not her, he was far gone for her to get him back. Tamira longed for the time in the past when the king was hers. Before Soren arrived in their lives.

Her life was much more peaceful back then, she had little to worry about. It was the two of them against the world. She blinked and suddenly the king was attracted to a man, one that scared every being in Arendar.

Seeing as such a beast was slain by a slave made him less scary than he was ten years back. Tamira was holding on to the image of the king she once knew.