[Bonus chapter]34: Come to me

Queen Tamira tightened her fist at the hems of her dress. She has never felt so insulted and belittled in her entire life.

The king took it upon himself to humiliate her over and again. Every time she got close to achieving her dreams. The king found new ways to crush her spirit.

No matter what she does or how hard she tries, she is never the one.

It took all of her energy not to attack the king's new object of affection. However, she wasn't able to conceal the overwhelming anger she was feeling. As fire played in her eyes and objects around her started catching fire.

"Your Highness, you should come down," Kira her lady in waiting cautioned her. Tamira could hardly make out what Kira was saying. Her eyes focused on Ssisa. Wishing she could burn the man to the ground.

"Everyone out," the king's advisor shouted. The people ran for the door, fleeing for their lives. The angrier the queen got the bigger the flames became.