48: A step to move on

The king awoke feeling like himself again. He lay awake in bed pondering over thoughts of his new life. 

Javier knew not how to breathe air Soren doesn't exhale. Or how to start his life afresh without the male by his side. It was a tremendous task bestowed on him. 

He was a king with the kingdom weighing down on his shoulders. He had spent enough time being selfish and wallowing in the pain of the one he had lost. 

Javier heard a feeling that it wasn't the last he saw of Soren. There was nothing to assure him of that fact but he had a strong feeling that Soren was close to him. 

The feeling was so vigorous it encouraged new strength in him. He agreed on living his life as he waited for the day that Soren will return to him. Until then, Javier decided to keep all that belonged to Soren safe for the dragonling.