47: A forbidden kiss

"I was a little worried when I saved you from the fire that you were hurt. I'm glad you are alright," Ameera claimed and let out a soft chuckle. The sound of her laughter made Tamira feel alive unlike ever before. "You can breath you know," Ameera reminded. 

Tamira let out the breath she was holding. Her eyes were glued to Ameera's smile. It was a breath of fresh air to her drowning life. 

'Who are you?' she thought too scared to ask.

Princess Ameera pulled up two fluffy pillows and positioned them behind her back. She leaned her head on Tamira's shoulder and relaxed. 

"Your world is so peaceful. It's been a day and I haven't had to fight anyone or anything," Ameera whispered. Tamira tensed. She felt lightheaded being so close to Princess Ameera. 

Her elegance as queen faded in comparison to the devilish beauty using her shoulder as a headrest. In that thinning moment, the palace walls which always seemed too high lost their glamour.