46: Fancy toy you have

The golden orb connected the king's soul to Soren's soul. Allowing the darkness passage from its host to Soren. There was no resistance as the darkness recognized its master.

Archidius busied himself creating shields and barriers around the room. To keep outsiders from coming into the room and interrupting the process. It would be dangerous if the great evil was allowed the chance to be free in the world.

The chaos it would cause would be immeasurable. All precautions were taken to ensure the room remained safe. When he was convinced no one would be able to enter the room.

He knelt next to the king. He tapped Javier's forehead and a blue ball moved out of the king's mind into his hands. In it was the memory of what Javier saw through the golden orb.

"It is for your own good that you don't live the rest of your life clinging on to a ghost. Forgive me," he reduced the ball to ashes.