45: Saving Javier

"You know of me?" Archidius appealed to the king. Javier stares at him in silence. Unable to believe his eyes. The god was real not just a myth like he had suspected.

The room fell into silence.

Javier could recall the way Soren idolized the deity. He would go on for days about the great things Archidius had accomplished and the ones he taught the dragonling. Soren hero-worshiped the deity with his every breath.

Archidius was the only part of Soren's past the male ever spoke about. It was the part of his past Soren was obsessed with. From their talks, Javier felt like he could write a biography of the god from Soren's point of view.

"Soren spoke of you," he admitted.

The way Soren spoke of Archidius gave no justice to his charms. Archidius had a glowing aura that could allure anyone who locked eyes with him. His beauty is eternal and grace ageless.