44: A breath of fresh air

Princess Ameera sauntered through the gardens of the Jasmine forest. Tired of being cooped up in her room worrying over a situation she can't govern.

She was on her way to visit Queen Tamira and see how she was doing. Seeing as she was the one who saved the queen from the fire. It only felt right to see to her health and ensure she was safe.

Her ladies followed behind her. They made their way through the garden with steady strides. As they walked a feather caught Ameera's attention.

She paused and picked it up. Her hand burnt at the touch of the feather forcing her to drop it. Her body and being was filled with darkness and the feather was made of pure divine energy.

"I will pick it up for you, my lady," one of her ladies stepped forward and offered to assist her. Ameera raised her hand stopping the demoness in her path. The divine feather burnt her but it was capable of eradicating a soulless demon from a mere touch.