43: Your heart knows

"I'm not strong enough to live in a world that doesn't have you in it?" Javier brushed his hand over Soren's portrait.

With Adnan gone from his side, the darkness inside him set in motion destroying the last shred of light in him.

Every inch of him, every nerve in his body was enveloped in the pain of missing Soren. The ache was heightened a thousand times more than that of a normal person. Javier couldn't bear it.

He wanted the pain to stop. The drowning feelings culminate so he can be set free. Loving Soren was the best feeling in the world but missing him was the utter opposite.

Javier didn't see a tomorrow without Soren there with him. Life wasn't worth living anymore. The King looked down to the ground from his window. The distance was nothing to a man of his power. However, he had taken measures to ensure it was enough to put an end to him.