42: Archidius

"You can't start a new chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one," Adnan heard out of the blue. He twirled his body around and stared cluelessly at the man that spoke.

He was fetching food for the king in his disguise. As he was unaware of most of the people in the palace. He was oblivious to the identity of the man.

Adnan scanned his appearance. Topsy-turvy red hair, and sharp concentrated baby blue eyes that looked at him with recognition. Filmy thin lips slightly curved into a smirk and slim jawline. He was dressed in a light red floral habiliment that was too thin for the cold weather in the palace.

His motions were light, elegant, graceful yet mysterious. Like he was floating instead of walking, similar to the tales he had heard of. Tales of divine beings and how their feet touched the ground like a feather. Indirect able which was why Adnan didn't hear him approaching.

"Who are you?" he raised a question.