41: Broken hearts

A chilly breeze arrived in the morning. Arendar was bustling with broken hearts and cracked souls. Disappointment filled the air as people craved different dreams.

The harsh wave of reality hit them like a storm. Each of their dreams was destroyed by the night.

Queen Tamira saw no point in life anymore as loving the king was proving to be a losing game. Despite waking from the night's nightmares, she stayed in bed and refused to greet the day.

Her court ladies did everything they could to get her to do something. Anything to keep her from having suicidal thoughts but she refused.

Even the news of her living arrangements changing to the Jasmine palace as her palace was brought fixed wasn't enough to get her to cheer up.

All her life she dreamt of living in the Jasmine palace. That dream came true at a time when she had no energy left in her to celebrate. It wasn't even worth a celebration.