79: Blinding to picture

A stream bubbles as it travels along its bed. The river ripples in the distance. Adnan was taking a rest under the shadow of a big tree on the river banks. Watching the beautiful scenery and sketching it down on paper. 

His heart was still. The serenity of the place offered him the peace his body, mind, and soul craved for. 

Out in nature, Adnan didn't have to worry about many things. He was far away from Arendar and all the heartaches he was put through in the palace. A chance to get some fresh air and forget about all his troubles. 

A chance Adnan refused to let pass him by. 

"You seem oddly comfortable for a prisoner," Princess Ameera made her presence known. She scooted over next to him and took a seat on the ground. 

"I'm a prisoner here but I've never felt so free and happy," Adnan admitted.