80: Watch out for each other

The demon princess felt her heart beat faster and louder. Adnan's words weirdly warmed her heart. 

She averted her eyes from the boy and glances at the sky to hide her blush. She was trying to even her breath and try to seem unaffected by Adnan's words. 

"About Archidius, I don't hate him for kidnapping me. I get what he's been through, giving his all to your brother and watching him choose someone else, it hurts," Adnan defended. "I've felt that for weeks and I feel like I might die and he's had that feeling for over a decade," he added in a pained voice. 

Princess Ameera's smile dropped. The boat Adnan and Archidius were sailing on seemed so familiar. Tamira forced her on the boat without her consent. 

Archidius was getting revenge on both Javier and Soren. Which was no different from her trying to make Tamira pay for what the Queen did to her.