102: Mavlac and Klavlac

Pieces of a broken heart can't be mended easily. Princess Ameera thought that her heart had healed. Being with Adnan and spending time having light conversations and building new relationships made her feel whole. 

It fooled her into thinking that she had healed.  However, having to watch Tamira with Javier on the dance floor opened up her wounds. They hurt as though they knew. 

The pain of watching the one her heart race for watching someone else was one she was getting used to. It didn't make it any less painful. 

She walked away from the scene. The sight was too much for her fragile heart. She bumped into one of the guests on her way out. 

"I'm sorry," she apologized. 

Tears of despondency clouded her eyes. She wasn't able to make out the face of the woman she ran into. 

"Are you alright?" the woman asked. "Let me help you," she touched Ameera's hand. Ameera noted the gloves she wore. It was made of dark matter only found in Ocia.