101: The proposition

The queen walked into the room with blood on her dress. Javier stood on his throne and gave her his undivided attention. 

His eyes filled with concern and worry for her. His eyes scanned her body for any wounds. When he found none, he released the breath he was holding. 

He reached for the queen and helped her to her seat. "Is that blood?" he questioned. 

"Don't worry, it's not mine," Queen Tamira assured him. 

"Is that supposed to ease my worries?" 

"Let's just say you need a new royal advisor," Tamira informed him. Javier knitted his eyebrows and shot his gaze to his king's man on the side. 

Brandis flashed his a sweet smile. His friendly appearance returned. He glowed. 

The queen examined him and gulped. She averted her gaze from Brandis to the king. The man was responsible for the actions of his servants.