100: Fed to the royal dogs

"You ran when the king tell you to and fetch at his behest. You are less of a servant and more like a dog," the man held his head high and spoke.

His words resonated in the air. The royal adviser was of the opinion that Brandis was one of those entitled servants who felt they had a voice because they worked for the king. 

Amoela gasped. 

Even she wasn't brave enough to take such a tone with Brandis. On most days the king's man was nosy and preferred to play cupid in people's life. However, on days such as these, he was worse than the devil. 

She held her breath in anticipation. To see what fate had in store for the rude man that dares to call Brandis a dog to his face. 

"A dog?!" Brandis's voice shook. The overwhelming anger coursing through his veins seeping out through his voice. "Should I bark or bite?" he asked. His head twitched.