As long as there is life, there is hope

As Jason left, Nora came out of the storeroom. It was where all the cleaning tools were stored.

Nora planned to rush out immediately in order to avoid meeting Jason, but the manager who was still standing at the spot where she and Jason met, stopped her.

"Did you offend Mr. Anderson?" The manager raised her eyebrows.

"Who's Mr. Anderson?" Nora asked with a hint of confusion.

Get out of my sight" The manager spitted out.

Nora knew that the manager hated her but what could she do? She didn't do anything to offend her so she was less concerned.

Getting outside, the rain started heavily "How do I get home now?" She cried out.

Her house was a little distant from her workplace but she still treks every day.

She placed her bag over her head, and ran into the rain. She stopped at a store to get some foodstuffs for the house. After that, she continued her journey in the rain. She couldn't afford to take the subway, so she had to get soaked.

Nora got home and met her mom and dad discussing in the sitting room. She saw that they were both frowning, and instantly knew what was happening. They were arguing about money again.

"What's wrong Mom?" Nora asked as she took her wet shoes off. "Your father was fired from work today" Mrs. Raven answered with a sigh.

"Why? How?" Nora voiced out.

They both didn't respond to Nora's question. Mrs. Raven started to cry while Mr. Raven just sat there, confused.

" How are we going to pay your younger brother's school fees? I'm just tired" Mrs Raven cried out loud.

"Don't worry about that, Mom. I'll figure it out" sobbed Nora.

Why should you be the one feeding us? Right now, i should be teaching you how to be a good wife to your future husband" barked Mrs Raven.

"Are you kidding me? Mum, is that important right now?"

"Yes, Nora. You should be preparing to be a good wife. That was the main reason why i asked you to drop out of school. You shouldn't be working" 

Mr. Raven stood up and left the house, he could no longer bear his wife.

"See him" Mrs Raven said pointing to the door after Mr Raven left.

"He's not even concerned, you are doing what he's supposed to do. Now you brought foodstuffs, what did your father bring?" Mr Raven queried pointing to the plastic bag Nora brought in.

"Nothing" Mrs Raven continued.

At this point, even Nora was annoyed. Her mother was a pain in the ass,

"He's trying his best, Mum. Good night, I have to sleep" Nora said as she walked to her room.

Nora got to her room and tears began to flow from her eyes. She pretends to be strong but she is actually weak, very weak.

But the statement "as long as there is life, there is hope" gives her strength.


Jason got home and met his mother, Mrs. Anderson, waiting patiently for him.

"Mom; Why are you here? When did you get back from your tour? You didn't tell me that you were coming" Jason uttered coldly.

"What's with all the questions? Aren't you happy to see your mother after one and a half years?" Mrs. Anderson spoke sarcastically.

"Mom, I have work to do tonight" Jason snapped angrily.

"I'm not here to disturb you, I will save it for another time. But the most essential thing is that you have to bring me a wife so that you won't end up losing the company" Mrs. Anderson chuckled and then climbed the staircase.

Jason asked "Mum, how long will you be here?

"Just a week darling. Good night" Mrs Anderson chuckled waving to her son as she went upstairs.

Jason picked up a pillow and threw it to the ground.

"Young Master Anderson, please calm down" Butler Park spoke calmly.

"She's such a pain in the ass" Jason hissed as he walked upstairs.

Butler Park smiled and picked the pillow off up the pillow from the ground.

Jason only showed that he had emotions whenever he was with Butler Park. He has been his butler since he was born. He was the only person that understood Jason well.

Even his mother doesn't know his likes and dislikes, his choices and preferences, all she cared about was that he should manage his father's company.

Jason is the CEO of Jasra gaming company. It is a company that makes games, sells characters and creates software. His company has grown popular in the industry and he is known all over the world.

His father Mr Aaron Anderson, is the chairman and present CEO of Anderson

He wants to hand the company over to Jason because he is the only responsible son he has but following the instructions of his father Jason has to get married first.

But Jason doesn't want a serious relationship with any lady.