Two years later.

This is the predicted result with the partnership of Choi gaming Ltd" An old looking guy with a black leather jacket explained in at the center of the meeting room.

The man looked like he was in his forties and he was a representative from the Choi gaming Ltd presenting reasons why the partnership should be considered.

That's enough" Jason spoke then stood up and left the conference room with his secretary, Nora.

I will prepare the coffee" Nora notified her boss before going to the private pantry.

Nora sighed and thought about how fast two years had passed. She was already an expert at her job, following the CEO to all meetings and business trips wasn't easy.

The only thing he hasn't allowed her to do was to follow him for family gatherings or functions.

She didn't care much because she knew that most rich families don't bond with each other, it always about competition and maybe her CEO didn't want her to see that part.

Working with the CEO was not an easy job but he made it conducive with his calm spirit. He was like a role model to her, she followed his footsteps in everything.

Nora held the tray of the coffee and headed to his office. She knocked twice to indicate her presence before entering.

The CEO was staring at his system, Nora placed the tray on the table then stepped back.

She bowed then spoke "I'm sorry for what happened today sir, it was due to my negligence and incompetence".

It's fine, it's not your fault anyways. Fire those that had a hand in this and find a replacement" Jason spoke.

Nora bowed again then walked out of his office to carry out the task.

Since she became the secretary to the CEO, she had grown to become heartless. Firing people without caring about their tears and pleadings became her specialty.

Nora smirked to herself and relayed the CEO'S instructions before going to her office.

Nora decided to clock out after she had gone through all the documents. It was already 9pm, she was extremely late today.

She took her bag and passed through Mr Anthony's office. "Good night" Nora smiled at Mr Anthony.

Be careful" Mr Anthony warned in polite tone, she nodded then walked to the elevator.

Nora stood at the side of the road and thought about how she studied so hard, day and night to be the best during the first year of her working as a secretary. She couldn't even remember the last time she used her day off and weekends.

That year was indeed a though one, she felt like she was walking on thin ice and couldn't afford to make any mistake.

Nora got a taxi and headed home, she changed her clothes and laid on the bed. She had no plans on eating dinner because it was already an usual habit for her to skip meals.

Suddenly her doorbell rang, she wasn't expecting anyone. Nora stood up and walked to the door to see who was knocking and surprisingly it was Kelly.

Nora hugged her tightly, she missed her so much. They haven't seen each other for almost a year now, they only do video calls and that's all.

I missed you so much" Kelly hugged her tightly. Nora broke the hug and invited her in and they both sat on the ground in the sitting room.

Your mom and dad misses you a lot, especially your mom" Kelly held both of Nora's hands.

I visited them la..." Nora was cut off by Kelly .

A year ago? Why are you behaving like this? Even when you visited them last time, did you spend the night? Did you talk to your mom?".

Nora smiled, she knew that Kelly won't understand even if she explained to her so she just took the blame and changed the topic.

I wasn't planning on taking dinner tonight but since you are here, let's get something to eat" Nora stood up and headed to the kitchen.

Nora searched the whole cupboard and found only noddles.

I don't have food stuffs, will noddles be okay?" Nora went back to the sitting room to inform Kelly.

You don't have food stuffs? What do you feed on?" Kelly yelled.

Nora used her palm to close Kelly's mouth" Hey you are shouting and I take breakfast in the company, I skip lunch at times and I skip dinner every time"

Kelly held Nora's hand and made her turn around "You have lost so much weight".

Nora ignored her and went back to the kitchen to prepare the noddles. After she was done, they both ate and talked for a while before going to bed.