
Why do you have to follow me to work?" Nora asked Kelly with a cold smile.

Nora didn't want Kelly to find out that she goes to the CEO'S house every morning. She knew that Kelly would make a fuss about it.

Kelly held both of Nora's hands "Can't I see how the company looks like?"

"You can't come in without an identification card, I don't want you to be embarrassed".

I promise, I will leave immediately I have a look at the reception" Kelly giggled.

Nora nodded and they both walked to catch the bus.

After few minutes they both got to Jasra. As they were about to get down from the bus, Nora's hand hit a guy that was also about to get into the bus.

I'm so sorry" Nora stared at the person and realized that it was Dylan.

Again?" Nora groaned.

Why do we always bump into each other? I guess it's fate" Dylan smiled wholeheartedly.

Fate indeed" Nora thought to herself

Nora also smiled "It's been a while".

Yes, you left without thanking me or even saying goodbye" Dylan frowned.

Nora said coldly "Thanks for the other day" then walked away.

Kelly just looked at them both, she didn't know what happened between them but she knew that Nora only comes close to a guy when she's in the need of favor.

Dylan and Kelly ran after Nora. Dylan held her hand then asked "Can we meet this weekend?".

No" Nora replied bluntly.

Why" Dylan was confused, he gave the sweetest smile ever and she still refused.

I don't have free days on weekends" Nora answered sincerely.

Nora checked her wristwatch and said "I have to go now".

Nora walked fastly and forgot that Kelly was with her. She looked back and noticed that Kelly wasn't at her back so she assumed that she had gone back home.

Nora got to office 9am and took some documents before going out again to take a cab to the CEO'S house.

Nora was to follow the CEO to a business meeting by 10am but the CEO forgot the documents needed for the meeting so she had to go to the company first.

Jason was already out of the bathroom and was tying a towel around his body when Nora came in.

As soon as Nora saw him she ran out of the house. Jason just smiled and walked to his room, then Nora entered and closed the door.

After a while Jason invited Nora inside his dressing room and she followed. He was wearing a white shirt and blue pants and a limited edition black shoe.

Though he only dresses like that when he had to attend business meetings concerning his father's company.

He pointed to a black tie and Nora picked it and knotted it for him. It was her job and she does it whenever he wanted to wear one.

Jason tries always to avoid eye contact whenever she wanted to knot his tie.

Though he keeps asking himself "Why do I always avoid eye contact".

Jason picked his blue tuxedo and wore it before leaving the dressing room to the sitting room.

Butler Park came in and bowed "Good morning Young Master"

Butler Park, find information about Delvin" Jason said then walked out.

Good morning Butter Park, how was you night?" Nora gave a beautiful smile.

My night was splendid Secretary Nora" Butler Park smiled back.

Nora walked to the CEO who was staring at his appearance in the mirror.

She told the driver to prepare the car and after few minutes, they entered the car and drove off.


Nora sat next to the CEO during the meeting taking notes of the important points.

After the meeting, they headed back to the office.

As soon as they arrived, they took the private elevator to the CEO'S office and she headed to the pantry to make him a cup of coffee.

Nora also ordered lunch for the CEO Incase the CEO wanted to have lunch. She walked into the CEO'S office and placed the teacup on his table before going to her office.

Nora buried herself into her work that she forgot it was already lunch time. Assistant Anthony knocked before entering.

"Aren't you going for lunch?"

Is it lunch time already?" Nora asked.

"What does the time say?"

Nora checked her wristwatch and just smiled. She actually didn't know that time had gone.

She stood up and went to the CEO'S office to ask if he wanted the food she ordered.

Sir, I noticed you didn't have breakfast, will you like to have lunch?" Nora asked politely.

What did you order?"

Chinese Food" Nora replied.

Bring it in"

Nora nodded then walked to the door to get the food. She didn't expect him to reject the food because he loves Chinese food.

How's the status of the acquisition of the design" Jason inquired with more


Nora stopped on her tracks then turned around and answered "I checked it this morning and I have sent the

file to Assistant Anthony but I still have to do more research about it".

Jason nodded then Nora exited the office.

Suddenly, Kelly called and Nora picked it hurriedly.

Ask your boss for a day off during the weekend" Kelly said on the phone

What!! Why? Did something happen to my parents?"

Is it until something happens to them before you take a day off?"

Nora didn't know what to say, she didn't know if she was being a bad daughter by working too hard.

Kelly waited for Kira to speak but when she didn't hear any response she spoke.

Anyways, I prepared a date for you, it's on Saturday" Kelly cut the phone.

She ordered her own lunch before delivering the CEO'S food.

She walked to the CEO'S office then opened the door leading to a room . It was at the back of his office, only Assistant Anthony and her knew about the secret room. It contained a bedroom, dinning room, toilet and bathroom.

She set the table before standing back.

You shouldn't have set the table, it's not your job. I've corrected you severally" Jason voice was heard.

Nora smiled, she knew it wasn't her job but she loved setting the table. It brings back memories of her mom.

Sir I would like to request for a day off on Saturday" Nora bowed her head.

Jason stood up then walked to the secret room and Nora also followed standing at the entrance.


Nora told to the CEO the reason and apologized for requesting for a day off.

How are old are you?" Jason raised his head and stared at her.

Nora's eye almost twitched from annoyance. She has been working so hard for two years and he didn't even know her age.

I'm 22 years old sir" Nora replied.

Okay good luck then" Jason stared eating his meal.

Nora smiled in disbelief because she didn't expect him to allow her take a day off.

Jason thought as he ate, he was aloof and distant to other employees but he was always thoughtful of Assistant Anthony and Nora.

They were so loyal and competent that they hardly asked for day offs and they even came during holidays like Christmas, New year, etc.

He had respect for them and the least he could do was to help them if they needed anything or have issues.