You are a true friend

Jason stopped to have a few words with the manager then he remembered what Angel said during dinner.

I use three million to take care of my boobs" Angel smiled.

Jason spat out his wine.

I'm rambling, aren't I?" Angel smiled again.

I actually prefer an honest person like you over a hypocrite who lies" Jason remembered how shocked she was when he said that.

Seriously, she suggested we get a room?' Jason shook his head in astonishment.

Sir, this is the report of the last month's expenses".

Nora stood waiting for Jason to get back, she never expected him to agree on taking a room.

You bitch, what are you doing here?" A woman that should be in her early fifties drew Nora's hair from behind.

I don't understand" Nora stared at the woman in confusion.

The woman brought out her phone and showed her a picture of a lady wearing the same clothes as hers with a man.

You slept with my son about an hour ago and now you are here with another man".

Ma'am, I think you are mistaken. I'm not the one in this photo" Nora tried to explain.

This photo was taken today and you are also wearing the same dress, who do you think you are fooling?" The woman yelled this time.

She held more strands of Nora's hair and yelled "stop lying you piece of trash".

Jason noticed the scene and ran to save Nora from the hold of the woman.

Ma'am, why don't you go get your son under control? It takes two to cheat" Jason uttered and walked out with Nora.

Jason stared at Nora for an explanation, not because he cared but because she didn't seem like she was guilty of the woman's accusations.

Why are you staring?" Nora felt shy.

If it's about that, so you know, I love men and I can date four men at a time" Nora lied.

Jason for no certain reason found her really interesting "What".

I like men so much" Nora grinned.

The woman ran to Nora again which led them both to run into the street.

Butler Park came down to pick Jason up personally.

Didn't you say you were going to drive Ms. Addams home?"

She's the one that just ran off" Jason smiled.

She's crazy" Butler Park smiled and drove off.

Nora got home and removed her shoes before calling Angel.

The blind date is the president of Jasra".

I just got off from the company, I will buy some alcohol on my way" Angel informed.


After a few minutes, Angel arrived " Nora how could the blind date be the president of your company?" Angel asked as soon as she entered.

Wait, how did it go" Angel inquired after noticing that Nora wasn't answering.

Nora yelled upon hearing the question "How do you think it went?"

I used all the personalities guys hate and I'm sure it worked" Nora smiled.

You are a true friend, I love you so much" Angel gave Nora a big hug.

Cheers to partners in crime" they both raised their cups.

They kept drinking till they slept off.


Where are you??" Mrs. Anderson phoned Jason wondering if the date went well.

I'm at the office" Jason stood up from his seat, preparing to go home.

The date's over already?" Mrs. Anderson gasped.

Jason wasn't really in the mood to talk to his mom, she was a pain in his ass and she wasn't ready to leave his abode.


Munching on a slice of apple Mrs. Anderson remarked "Sounds like it didn't work out".

Jason ignored her statement.

Let's schedule another date then".

Mom, please it's enough, I want to get to know Angel better" Jason stated out of frustration.

He actually liked Angel's personality because of her transparency and honesty but he wasn't ready for marriage.

Do you like her?" anxiously Mrs. Anderson chuckled.


That's good then, come home early".

Mrs. Anderson didn't mean any harm, she was only trying to save her only child a place in his grandfather's company.

She was so happy that he fell in love with Angel Addams despite the show she puts up during dates.

Nora woke up with a throbbing headache, she found Angel laying on the ground.

With a hint of tiredness, Nora called "Angel".

Hmm," Angel opened her eyes slowly.

We would be late for work".

What's the time" Angel still didn't open her eyes.

Nora picked up her phone and checked the time, it was 9 am already.

Nora forgetting about her own work laid back on the floor "it's 9 am already".

Okay," Angel closed her eyelids.

After about two seconds "Wait, it's nine?" they both echoed.

F**k, we are so late" Angel and Nora stood up hurriedly.

Who will bathe first?" Angel questioned confusedly.

Go first, my boss doesn't arrive till 10 am" Nora opened her wardrobe and picked her dress.

What kind of boss doesn't come to work till 10 am".

My boss" Nora replied with a hint of sarcasm.

Good morning sir" Nora greeted as she entered the office.

Jason nodded and gazed at her waiting for her to speak.

In a kind of way, Jason felt that Angel and Nora seemed alike but dropped the idea because Nora wasn't a bold type.

Not wanting Jason to see her face, she bowed "I want to apologize for my lateness, I promise that it won't happen again".

It's fine" Jason smiled.

Nora still couldn't face her boss. She felt guilty and scared at the same time.

What if he recognizes me? Nora was sweating profusely.

Are you okay?" He has never seen her like this before.

Jason felt something odd like she was hiding something from him "Yes sir".

You can take your leave" Jason was cold outside but very caring when it came to Assistant Anthony and Secretary Nora.