Something is strange.

Mr. Anthony knocked twice before entering Jason's office "Afternoon sir, Mr. Park is here to see you".

Let him in"

Butler Park walked in with his iPad "Young Master, I found something interesting".

"This is a picture of Angel Addams with her father and cousin, she's a family lady".

Butler Park was in his forties but behaves like a child when he's with Jason. He felt that Jason would need a picture of his future wife.

Jason without looking at the pictures "Is that why you came here?".

You have to accept it, I had to bribe a reporter to have the pictures" Butler Park groaned.

Jason reluctantly stared at the picture and found her different.

"Are you sure this is Angel Addams? That I met yesterday?".


"This is strange, it wasn't her I met yesterday".

"Could it be that she deceived you"?

Jason kept quiet, he was both confused and angry at the same time.

"Give a call to Angel, and tell her I want to see her tonight".

Should I add "in person" or I should just follow as you said?" Butler Park inquired.

Just follow as I said".

Butler Park left and through the intercom, Jason called Nora.

Nora walked in "You called me sir".

Clear my schedule for the rest of the day" Jason left the office hurriedly.

He was bent on finding the truth. He was very sure that she would send the same lady of yesterday.

Nora rescheduled Jason's meetings to the next day and started her work immediately.

She was still wondering if her boss actually recognized her and pretended not to or if he actually didn't.

She wasn't comfortable around him anymore and it would be so hard to avoid her boss.

What if he finds out and fires me? What if he reports to the police? What if Angel's dad finds out?

Different questions kept going through her mind, she couldn't even concentrate on her work.

Her phone suddenly rang "Nora there is fire".

Where? How? When did it happen? Are you okay?" Nora asked worriedly.

"Mr. Anderson wants to meet you again".

"What? Why? I ended it yesterday"

He didn't tell me the reason why he wanted us to meet but I think he likes you" Angel said with sarcasm.

"Why are you being sarcastic? I have to meet my boss as my date and yet you find it funny?"

"I'm sorry".

"Because of this, I can't face my own boss. I feel so uncomfortable and scared because I don't want him to recognize me"

It's so impossible to avoid him when I'm his secretary" Nora cried out.

"I'm seriously sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry but please I really need your help" Angel pleaded over the phone.

I can't do it, Angel".

Please, I know that you can do this".

Okay, text me the address" Nora agreed reluctantly.

Nora packed her things and left the office. She had to do so many things.

Nora got there early and waited patiently for Jason to come.

She had to end things tonight, her job was at stake here.

She wouldn't mind insulting her boss, at least, she is Angel Addams, not Nora Raven, his secretary.

She was really scared and found it difficult to breathe. She wasn't a bold type but she had to do bold things for money.

Jason walked in but couldn't find her because he didn't book the whole restaurant this time.

He assumed that she was late again and picked up his phone to call her.

He asked his mom for Angel's number already so he could call her.

He kept calling but she didn't pick up then he saw a lady sitting close to the window at a corner and identified her instantly.

He dialed Angel's number again as he walked towards her. He noticed that her phone wasn't ringing so he collected it from her.

Jason wanted to know if she would keep lying "Do you have two phones?"

No... Yes... Yes, I do" Nora stammered.

Nora sighed before speaking " You don't have any right to collect my phone".

Jason returned her phone and sat down.

So you are going to keep lying huh?" Jason thought to himself.

He wasn't sure if he should tell her that he was aware of her lies or not.

I should act dumb for now".

I don't know what you have to say but I want to make things clear...I don't want to see you anymore" Nora summoned the courage.


I'm sorry but I don't want to have anything to do with you" Nora stood up and walked away.

Jason followed and held her by her hand from behind "What did you mean? I haven't asked you to marry me yet so what's with the sudden change".

Jason didn't know why he asked that stupid question, he was uttering nonsense.

What? Marriage? Did I tell you I wanted to get married to you?"

Why? I have everything a woman will want in a man"

I hate your weird lines, arrogant look and you are not handsome" Nora ran out.

Jason didn't follow her because if he did, he would say the wrong thing and might hurt her.