Please leave my life alone

Good morning sir" Nora entered Jason's house.

Jason was in no mood to greet her, so he ignored her and wore his leather jacket.

Jason has never ignored her greetings since she started working as his secretary and this made her more nervous.

Butler Park invited Jason into his room "Should I find out who Ms. Angel sent for a replacement".

No, I will sort it out" Jason left the room and walked to his car.

You are free for the day sir" Nora informed as they both walked into his office.

Get me coffee" Jason sat on his chair and turned on his computer.

Jason brought out his phone and called Butler Park "Inform Ms. Addams that I want to meet her tonight, in person".

He was so pissed, she dared to deceive him.

Nora stepped in and served the coffee on his table.

I want to have a meeting with the development department in the next ten minutes" Jason took a sip from his coffee.

Nora nodded and left the office.

Angel massaged her neck as she walked out of the meeting room.

Angel entered her office and met her dad sitting "Why are you here?".

Angel and her dad always had issues because he was just too greedy and he could do anything for money and fame.

It's my company, I have easy access".

Angel really wished he could say something like "I came to see my only daughter", or "I wanted to know how you are coping" but he doesn't care about how she's doing.

Mrs. Anderson informed me that the date went well" Her father smiled brightly.

Seriously!!! That's what you came for?" Angel sat on the couch opposite her dad.

You didn't even ask if I was doing well, all you care about is the meaningless date you set for me" Angel raised her voice.

Do you know the benefit that's coming your way if you get married to the Anderson's family? What's your problem? You are my only child, you should think like a business nerd" Her dad hit the table.

Angel grew up with her father always controlling her life.

She had to dress like she was going to a party when she was in high school, she had to walk this way, she had to do this and that.

It was choking her, she had to be so perfect because she was the heiress.

Angel didn't want that kind of life. The only person that makes her feel better was Nora but she only had a little free time to spend with her.

Dad, will you please leave my life alone? Why do you keep controlling me?".

Meet me at home by 7 pm" He exited her office and left the company.

Angel cleaned her tears quickly so as not to look soft and vulnerable to her employees.

Angel was about to call Nora when her phone beeped.

It was a message from Mr. Anderson, telling her that he wanted to meet her in person.

What? Has he found out?" Angel hurriedly called Nora.