(no name)

Angel cried her eyes and heart out. It was the first time that she would cry in someone's arms like this.

Nora was her bestie but she never cried in her presence, she only complained about how much her father was disturbing her and Nora made it go away by them having fun.

After about thirty minutes of crying, she realized that his shirt was wet.

Angel broke the hug "I'm so sorry, I....".

Ryan held both of her shoulders and bent to look at her face "It's okay".

Her eyes were red, puffy, and swollen but he didn't stop staring at her which made her feel embarrassed.

She bent her head to avoid his stares.

Ryan chuckled "Let me see your face".

Angel shook her head and used her palms to cover her face.

He found her actions to be so cute. Ryan stared at her childish behavior with a smile.

"You look so beautiful when you are crying like, mama!".

Angel removed her palms and looked at him "Mama?".

Ryan's face changed from a smile to an anxious look "That's my nickname for you... don't you like it?".

Angel's face brightened "I don't like it..." She was cut off mid-sentence.

"I didn't know you... you won't like it" Ryan gave an apologetic look.

Angel gave him a big hug.

He was so handsome and his expression made him more cute.

OMG!! I have fallen in love.

"I love it so much... it's a cute nickname" Angel whispered into his ear.

Why were you crying?" Ryan asked.

It's been on his mind but he didn't know how she'd react to his question.

Angel broke the hug and looked to the ground.

Is she embarrassed? I shouldn't have asked.

"I'm so sorry... you don't have to tell me".

Angel kept mute for some while before speaking "I'm sorry".

"Mama, it's fine... I'm always here if you need someone to talk to... okay?".

Angel nodded with a smile.

He was really understanding and she loved it.

It's not like she didn't want to tell him, she was just feeling that it was too early to discuss her personal life with him.


Let me drop you off" Angel offered as soon as they got to the parking lot.

"No, it's fine...my house is nearby" Ryan declined with a delicate smile.

"I insist".

Ryan got into the car and the drive began.

There was a pin-drop silence in the car.

They both wanted to talk but resisted for different reasons.

Angel didn't want to be too straightforward and desperate and Ryan didn't know what to say or ask that won't make her mad.

"Why do come to the rooftop often?" Ryan broke the silence.

"Because it's my building and it's quiet" Angel answered nonchalantly.

Your building? You are the CEO of that company?" Ryan asked.

Angel stopped the car in front of his house and looked at him "Yes, didn't you check the card I gave you".

He actually did but didn't take notice of the name of the company.

I...I...did... but I didn't take notice of that".

Angel started the engine of her car "It's fine... good night".

Ryan nodded before getting down from the car.


Good morning sir" Nora greeted as she walked into her boss's office.

"The business trip was postponed for the second time sir".

Yes, I decided to postpone it again... it's in two weeks".

Nora walked to the desk and placed two files on it "These are the reports from the development department".

Jason nodded "You can go".

Nora did as told and left the office.


"I should call her and inform her about my plans" Jason thought.

He picked up his phone from the pocket of his jacket.

It dialed twice before her voice came through "Hello".

Jason placed his both legs on his table "I want us to meet after work".

"My place of work is a bit far".

"Send the address, and I will meet you there" Jason cut off the phone and started with his work.