Let's date.

Nora held her chest tightly "Why would he call during work hours?".

Nora calm down! He won't find out, he can't find out and he must not find out.

All I have to do is to meet him today and break all ties with him.

Why the f**k is this happening? Ahhhhhh.

Nora walked to her office and searched for the map.

She had to send an address far from here.

This is crazy, really crazy!! I have to go home to get my disguise first.


"Today, you have a very busy" Angel's secretary informed.

Angel sighed "When is the first meeting beginning?".

Her secretary checked her wristwatch "In five minutes".

Angel switched off her personal phone and picked up her business phone before walking out of the office.

Her personal phone was always off when she was in the office because of distractions.

Only Nora and her father had this number and that was because there might be an emergency.

Angel walked into the meeting room and saw the shareholders sitting comfortably.

"I wonder why her father made her the CEO of such a prestigious organization" A man raised his voice.

"She's just a girl who's not supposed to be the head of anything special. He should have adopted a male child after the death of his wife" Another man in his fifties commented.

She cleared her throat to create awareness and everyone sat quietly.

"Good morning everyone" Angel sat on her seat with a straight and aloof.

"Let the presentation begin" Angel voiced out and a staff came out and turned on the screen.


"Should I try to call her? What if she is busy with work?" Ryan walked to and fro in his workplace.

Ryan was working as an employee in a big company which made him an average class.

He wasn't rich, neither was he poor.

He picked up his phone and copied the number from the complimentary card that Angel gave him.

He dialed it but her phone was switched off.

Ryan kept trying but to no avail so he dropped his phone and continued his work.

Though, he couldn't get his mind off her.


Jason walked out of his office to the address Isabel sent to him.

Nora also stood up and left to get her make-up done.

She called a taxi and arrived and arrived at the address.

What the heck!! Why does he want to see me again?

Nora you can do it" Nora assured herself.

As she walked in, she met her boss sitting.

All the waiters were staring and giggling probably because he was handsome.

She picked an address that was a little far from the office.

You are here?" Nora smiled as she walked in.

Jason nodded.

"I would like to have a cup of coffee" Nora signified to the waitress.

They ignored her because they were jealous.

Her boss was too good-looking and it was attracting enemies to her.

What did I do?" Nora asked no one in particular.

Let's get to business" Jason voiced.

Nora nodded still worried about what just happened.

I want us to start dating with marriage in mind" Jason took a sip from his tea.

"What? Did you fall in love with me at first sight or something?" Nora stood up abruptly.

"I swear, it wasn't my intention for that to happen," She said trying to prove her innocence.

"You are getting ahead of yourself Ms. Isabel" Jason folded both of his arms.

What does he mean? I can't date him, my identity will be exposed.

"I'm not saying that we should really date, just pretend like we are Miss".

No, I can't do it, I would be in big shit.