He's so sweet

I can't do it" Nora walked out of the restaurant and Jason followed.

"You have been calling me a fraud and an imposter, and now you are asking me to do it again?" Nora kept walking without sparing him an eyelid.

It's a really bad idea, I might get sacked if I do it. I'm so scared.

"Who else I'm I supposed to call? You are the best person for the job" Jason held her hand and she stopped walking.

"How I'm I the best person for the job?"

"You have proven your acting skills on our date last time".

How do I get myself into this mess" Nora bit her lips.

You already understand my situation, so I don't have to explain and I'm very sure that the secret would be safe with you" Nora listened attentively.

"And you must repay your debt for lying, and all the precious time I wasted".

I should pay him for wasting his time but not with this.

"I don't want to lie to anyone again. I will forget we ever had this conversation" Nora walked away.

"I will double what you received from Ms. Addams" Jason yelled.

This stopped Nora in her tracks.

That's $8000!! I would be able to pay off some of my debts if I agree to do it.

It wasn't that much anyways so she took another step then she heard him say "That's every time you meet my mother and it won't be once".

What!! My brother's school fees would also be cleared but if I do it, I could lose my job.

This is a huge decision for me to take.

I have been in debt all my life, this is a chance for me to clear it all.


It was 7 pm and Angel was doing some of her work which was pending because the last few days, she didn't do much in the office.

She heard a knock on the door "I told you not to wait for me" Angel said without looking at her secretary.

"Someone is here to see you" Her secretary smiled.

Angel has always instructed her secretary not to wait for her if she was going to work late.

All employees have their closing hours and it would be selfish of her to tell her to wait because she was still busy with her work.

Who's that?".

It's me" Ryan walked in with a smile.

Ohhh! What are you doing here?" Angel asked.

She was surprised, she never expected him to look for her.

"Lily, go home if you don't want to be sacked" Angel gave a cold face.

This was the first time he would see her this cold and aloof.

She was different from who he saw the previous day.

You would have to wait, I'm still very busy" Angel still didn't give a friendly shoulder.

This made him wonder if she ignored his calls on purpose.


By the time Angel finished her work for the day, it was already half past eight. She turned off her laptop and carried it by hand.

She tidied up her table and sat next to Ryan on the couch.

She actually forgot that someone was waiting for her.

He's so sweet" Angel muttered with a smile.

Angel felt sorry for him though, she didn't even look at him when he walked in.

He will have to pay the price for dating the CEO of a company.

Ohh!! We aren't dating yet.

Why did you wait for me? You should have left" Angel placed the laptop on her lap as she sat.

"Why do you work late but let your employees leave early?" It was a question that had been bothering him for the past one hour.

Angel stood up and carried her laptop "Let's go".

They both walked out and entered the elevator which Ryan tailed behind her and entered the elevator.

Angel remembered that he asked a question and decided to answer "Because they have families waiting for them at home and it would be selfish of me to keep them waiting".

Ryan stared at her"But... from what I saw on your online profile, you have a father".

Nora smiled "It's complicated".

Ryan nodded and they both exited the company.