Please don't leave me

When Nora got to the lake, she met Angel sleeping peacefully but she had dried tears on her face.

She fixed her eyes on her and monitored her breathing.

Angel looked pale and broken, she was breathing heavily and little tears were still finding it's way through her face.

"Mom, don't leave me"

Angel muttered from her sleep.

Nora carried her up and gave her a tight hug "Everything will be fine".

Angel was a deep sleeper so she didn't wake up instead she kept muttering.

"Nora is in trouble because of me"

"Mom left, now Nora would also leave me"

"Nora would get married and leave me alone"

Angel kept crying from her sleep.

This pained Nora's heart "Angel wake up".

Angel opened her eyes and realized that it was Nora that was holding her, she hugged Nora more tightly and started sobbing.

"It's okay, I wouldn't leave as your mom did. We will always be together even if we both get married. I love you so much and I can do anything for you".

Angel kept quiet but continued crying, and so as Nora.

They both sobbed till it was 5 pm.

"I have a date by 6:30 pm" Angel said in a low and hoarse voice.

"What? Is that why he hit you?"

"I will explain when I get back, let's go to my house so that I can get ready".

Nora nodded and got up from the ground, she dusted her kneels and also helped Angel up.

"Thanks for coming" Angel gave her another hug.

Nora smiled and they both walked to the car.

Nora insisted that she was going to drive because Angel wasn't in the right state of mind.

"I hope your father won't be at home?" Nora suddenly asked looking at Angel slightly.



At the Addams mansion.

Angel and Nora walked into Angel's room and they both sat on the bed.

"Go take your bath" Nora instructed.

Angel walked into the bathroom and came out a few minutes after.

Nora already picked a blue sleeveless short dress for her.

It was very casual.

Angel got dressed and tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Sit, let me do your makeup" Nora voiced.

Angel stared at her surprisingly "Why do I need to put on makeup? Do you want me to get married so that you can leave?".

Nora laughed her heart out, Angel seemed like a little girl right now.

"By the way, who's Ryan?"

Angel kept quiet and stared at her friend "Why are you asking"

"He called saying that he needed to find, that you might be in danger. His voice was shaking".

Angel smiled a little "He's someone I like but I don't think he likes me"

"If he doesn't like you, why would he be worried about you?"

Angel thought for some while and really reasoned if he could like her.

"Maybe Lily told him what happened and thinks he is the reason for what transpired".

Nora nodded and helped Angel up from her seat.


Angel walked into the restaurant with a frown. She hated going on blind dates but her father just won't stop.

Till now, Angel always found an excuse for not going.

Either she pretends to be sick or scared them away or sends Nora in her place.

This was the first time that she would ever go.

She had no plans on scaring them away, she would just be herself and treat him like she treats her employees.

Angel walked in, a waitress welcomed her and Angel said "I have a reservation".


"Angel Addams"

Please follow me" She walked in front and took Angel to her table.

Angel was ten minutes late so the young man was already there.

The young man stood up to take out her chair and Angel complied by sitting.

Even though she didn't like it, she had no choice.

"I'm Ethan"