Do you want to marry me?

I'm Ethan" He stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Angel stared for a while before accepting the handshake "I'm Angel Addams".

Angel retractable her hand and picked up the menu.

A waitress came around "What would you like to order ma'am"

"I would take Meat Loaf and Garlic Roasted Melting Potatoes with a bottle of a non-alcoholic wine"

Ethan also ordered the same as hers.

He tried bringing up a topic before the food was served but Angel gave a straight and cold answer.

"We aren't fighting right??"

Angel was about to reply when the food was brought to their table.

They were both silent.

Angel stared at the food because she lost her appetite long ago... even before the date.

Ethan having noticed that she was just staring at the food, decided to ask "Why aren't you touching your food? Don't you like it?".

Angel kept mute for a while before speaking "Do you want to marry me?"

That was the only question that came to her mind. He was too sweet but she felt nothing for him.

Ethan continued his food like he heard nothing, it wasn't necessary to reply.

The date ended and they both went their different ways.


The next day, Nora went out during their lunch break to get a nice but cheap dress for the meeting with Jason's mother.

She was so nervous, different things kept rumbling in her mind.

She actually wanted to do it because it would be cool to have a boyfriend like Jason but it was all fake.

Nora rushed back to work so she would not be late.

She met Anthony at the entrance of her office like he was waiting for her.

"Assistant Anthony? What are you doing here?".

He kept quiet then noticed the shopping bag in Nora's hands and collected it with force.

"What's this? Are you going on a business trip with Mr. Anderson?"

"Give it back... and it's for a date"


Anthony took out the dress and stared at it in amazement "Wow! It's so beautiful".

Nora rolled her eyes "What's so beautiful about it? It was the cheapest cloth there".

Her initial plan was to find a beautiful dress but it was all expensive so she decided to pick a white cropped jacket and short skirt.

"It would fit you so much" Assistant Anthony commented and placed the dress on her body.

Suddenly, they heard a gentle cough and they both turned to the entrance. They were both shocked to see Jason

Nora kept the dress quickly.

"Isn't lunch break over yet?" Jason asked.

Anthony checked his watch "It is sir...Nora...Ms. Nora and I were discussing work" He lied.

Anthony ran out quickly.

Jason also headed to his office.


Jason picked Isabel up from her so-called office.

They both headed to his house and the car was silent.

"Did you learn everything about me?" Jason suddenly asked.

"Your full name is Anderson Jason Ranniel, your dad is American and your mom is from Spain. You studied both Business Management and software engineering at Harvard, though, at different times. You graduated with the best results".

Jason nodded "That should be okay for now. We met last year and our 1st anniversary is in two weeks".

Jason turned off the engine of the car and stared at Isabel for some while "Why are you so nervous? This attitude won't convince my mom".

Jason got down from the car and helped Isabel to get out of the car.

They both walked in and saw his mom standing at the entrance waiting patiently for her daughter-in-law".