Where did you guys meet?

"My son is bringing his girlfriend today... I'm so excited" Mrs. Anderson chuckled over the phone.

She called all her friends through a video call and narrated it all to them. She was so happy.

"Calm down babe...I know it's something you have been waiting for for so many years" The first woman said happily.

I am still surprised... which woman would bear with your arrogant and rude son" The second woman added with a hint of sarcasm.

The third woman smiled "Don't scare her away...you should be happy that someone is ready to be with him"

Mrs. Anderson became furious at their words. Fine...her son is very arrogant, rude, and cold but every lady should be happy to get him.

He is very handsome, tall, independent, rich, and dangerous. Every lady would like him.

Mrs. Anderson decided to talk "It's the lady that should be thankful not my son, she is married to the most eligible bachelor in the country".

"Whatever" the second woman hissed.

Mrs. Anderson angrily cut the call and stood at the entrance waiting for her daughter-in-law to arrive.

As soon as she saw them arrive, she heaved a sigh. She was thinking that her son fooled her.

Mrs. Anderson ran to the sitting room and pretended like she didn't see them coming.

Jason entered the house with Isabel tailing behind him. She was so nervous about meeting his mom.

Isabel remembered the last time she came to the office. She treated her like trash and looked down on her... would now be different?" Isabel asked herself.

She was tensed up, It was a very dangerous decision but she had no choice.

Mrs. Anderson walked to Jason and greeted him with a hug "My son...I have always been proud of you"

Jason forced a smile on his face and broke the hug "You didn't have to hug me"

"My dear....see how he talks to me" Mrs. Anderson spoke in a very meek voice to the female that was beside him.

The lady was in an official black suit and a white shirt, which made Mrs. Anderson love her more.

She looked like a neat and hardworking lady.

Jason understood that there was a misunderstanding, his mom thought the female was his girlfriend.

"Mom! That is my personal bodyguard....this is my girlfriend"

Jason moved away from Isabel who was hiding behind him.

"Hii" Isabel greeted.

Mrs. Anderson looked at her from her face to her toes.

Nora was wearing a black turtleneck top with the suit she bought the previous day. Because the skirt was too short, she wore transparent black leggings with black flats.

Mrs. Anderson didn't like the way she dressed but if that's what Jason wants, she had to accept it.

"Mom!!" Mrs. Anderson was cut from her train of thoughts by her son's voice.

Mrs. Anderson chuckled "How are you doing dear?"

Isabel replied with a nervous grin "I'm fine ma'am".

They all went to the sitting room to wait for the food.

Jason walked to his room to get changed so did his mom.

Nora was left alone in the sitting room.


They all went to the dining room for dinner. Jason and Isabel were forced to sit next to each other by his mother.

The maids served the food before exiting the dining area for them.

"Dear!! When did you meet my son?"

Nora was happy that she asked the question she prepared for "Last year"

"Where did you guys meet? And how did it happen?"

Mrs. Anderson was so excited to have this conversation with her.

Isabel tensed up after hearing the question, she didn't prepare for that.