I don't regret

"Hey baby" Angel smiled playfully as she hugged Aiden. "I have missed you so much".

They have been so close since the day she visited Ethan's company "How are doing, baby girl".

Ethan shot diggers at Aiden telling him to let Angel go "Angel".

Angel broke the hug and walked towards Ethan smiling like a kid. "Mr. Husthon, how was your day?"

"What's with the honorifics? Did I do something wrong?" he frowned.

Angel pouted "If you did something wrong, would I still be smiling? Anyways, Aiden and I are going out for a little best friends talk"

She went back to Aiden and placed her hand over his shoulder "Let's go, baby"

Ethan didn't say a word, instead, he went back to his seat and watched them as they exited the office.

His best friend was aware that he loved Angel, so he wasn't worried.


Aiden stared at Angel as she drove the car at a moderate speed. He wondered how a rich girl could be so perfect.

She was beautiful, smart, and cheerful despite how much she hated her life. He asked her once if she regretted the family she was born into.


"Do you regret coming into this kind of life? I mean the rich lifestyle" she smiled. "Although my parents made me depressed, I don't still regret coming into their lives. It wasn't like I had a choice.

My parents aren't heroes, and I learned it at an early stage in life. They can't be always perfect. My dad wants more money so that I can live a comfortable life after he dies.

My mom left probably because she didn't love my dad from the first day of their marriage. So I don't wish to have been born in another family"

"And who wouldn't want to be born into wealth?" she added.

Angel could be childish at times but she always knew what she was doing. No wonder Ethan fell in love with her.

"Mr. Man we are here" Angel called him. Aiden stared at her face which now formed into a beautiful smile.

He got down from the car and walked over to her side "You want us to eat lunch here?"

It was a beautiful but small restaurant "You would love the food. Trust me" she winked.

They walked into the restaurant and sat next to the window. They both ordered when the waiter came around.

Aiden decided to look around. The decorations were quite simple, and the tables and chairs were arranged orderly. They had three waiters who were in uniform.

"This place is owned by a woman who helped me about four years ago. She's like a mother to me". Aiden looked over to her "Why didn't you bring Ethan here?"

"Ethan can't sit in a low-class restaurant like this. He is way higher than this. And...sometimes I feel too nervous around him. There is this aura that makes me feel his out of my league"

Aiden began to smile "Ethan can be scary sometimes but trust me, he lo…

"Ryan?" Angel called.

"Hey, Angel" he hugged her. Angel quickly broke the hug and frowned "It's been a while" Ryan smiled "Yeah. I have to go, I would give you a call" he ran off. The food was brought and they both left before eating.


It's been two days and Dylan hasn't still showed up. She never even loved him, so she wasn't expecting him to come back.

Couldn't she have a say in their relationship? He can't keep making decisions without her opinion. She didn't mind if it would affect her relationship with him.

The only thing that was worrying her was the fact that Jason has been ignoring her instead of apologizing. Wasn't she the one that was supposed to be angry?

The office has now become hell for her because of the resentment she now has for him.

"I can't believe I found him so attractive at first. He's just a pervert" She gritted her teeth with annoyance.