It's over

Aiden came back to report everything that occurred during the outing.

"She feels you are out of her league, bro" he grinned trying to tease him. Ethan still didn't show any reaction as he was thinking about what Aiden just said.

"You should be paying me for this, don't you think?" Ethan rolled his eyes "You volunteered to do it, didn't you?"

"Whatever, bro. And before I forget, she met Ryan. What would you do? Because I don't think you would want to lose her to a womanizer". Aiden stood up "I have business to do" he exited the office leaving Ethan.


On getting home, Nora met Dylan standing in front of her apartment. She turned around to leave without him seeing her "Nora" he called.

Nora didn't stop walking. She didn't see him for good three days and he expected her to open her arms to hug him? That's not possible.

"Nora, wait. I'm so sorry" He kept chasing her until she stopped at the park where she sat the other day.

"What the heck do you want from me? I thought you didn't need me. Why do you keep frustrating me?"

He suddenly embraced her "Nora, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to come this late. Something came up" he kept pleading.

"I have heard you" she smiled. "My mom wants to meet you. That's what kept me this long, I wanted to bring good news while coming" she kept mute.

"We can also pick the date of the wedding and make the necessary arrangements" he assured her.

"We can also meet your parents this weekend. And…where is the ring? He asked raising his brows. Nora swallowed hard. She wasn't ready to get married.

She was even praying that he shouldn't come back to apologize."Nora, are you even listening to me?" she looked at him with guilt in her eyes. She was going to hurt him if she called off the wedding suddenly. She even almost had sex with someone else when she was getting married in less than a month.

"Dylan, don't you think it's early to get married? We have only dated for four months"

"It's never too early to get married. What matters is that we love each other and would like to spend the rest of our lives together. And trust me; I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much, Nora" he gave her a chaste kiss on her lips. It was their first time kissing since they started dating.

"Don't be scared, Nora. I won't break your heart, I promise" he then pulled her into a long kiss.

"It isn't as good as the one I shared with Jason though" she thought.


Angel and Ryan finally met after work on the rooftop "It's been a while, where did you go?" she ignored him. "Why did you ask to meet?"

She has missed him, no doubt but what if he had a girlfriend? She couldn't let her heart get broken.

"The lady you saw at the restaurant is my cousin" he stared at her waiting for her reply. Angel just nodded. No one can be trusted "We are good?" he asked her. She nodded.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he placed his hands on hers gently. "I want us to be more than friends. I have liked you since we first met and I know you also feel something for me" Angel thought for some while before speaking "Give me some time to think about it"

He sighed "How much time do you need?"

"I'm not sure about that. I have to go now, I have a meeting" She stood up and walked away.

Today was the day Nora and Dylan finally went to see her parents. She figured that since Dylan loved her, their marriage could go on.

She already took permission for a day off. She hoped that her mother wouldn't get on her nerves this time.

"Good afternoon, dad" she greeted her dad with a hug. "Hey baby girl" her dad greeted back.

They both walked to the sitting room with Dylan walking behind her."Afternoon, Sir and Ma" Dylan greeted her parents with respect. Nora sighted her mom but just greeted her instead of going near.

"Dad. Mom. This is Dylan, and we are getting married in two weeks" She sounded so cold like she wasn't even happy to announce it.

Her mom jumped up happily "You are finally getting married?" she wanted to confirm before celebrating. Nora simply nodded not caring entirely about what she said.

Her mom went ahead to hug Dylan and whispered something into his ears. Dylan smiled at whatever she said.

"Thank goodness, she's finally becoming a woman"

Ignoring what her mom said, she called Kelly and Kelvin for lunch. They all sat in the dining paying serious attention to their various foods. The only sounds that were heard were the clicking of their spoon and plate.

Kelly decided to lighten up the mood "So…Nora, you are getting married?" Nora nodded before continuing with her food.

Mrs. Ravens took a spoon of her soup before speaking "I'm super excited because she would finally resign from that job" she looked over to Nora.

"What do you mean by resigning? When did you have that kind of control over me?" she rolled her eyes. She wasn't in the mood to argue her but it was just inevitable.

How would she resign because she was getting married? And it was to someone she didn't even have feelings for.

"When a lady gets married, she doesn't need office work that would take her time. All that is needed is for you to get pregnant and make babies. Your husband would work and feed his family" Mrs. Ravens wasn't going to back down. Her husband was trying his best to stop her from talking but it was to no avail. "What? We are in the 21st century where both the husband and wife work for the progress of the family. Mom, I don't want my family to be like yours where the elder would have to stop schooling for the younger because of lack of money. We would share the responsibilities and take care of our children" She couldn't believe her mom wanted her to follow her pattern.

She promised herself that she was going to walk out if she said any more word.

Everyone just stared at them both. Mrs. Ravens was so annoying. Couldn't she just let the poor girl do whatever she liked?

"Nora! Why can't you just take my advice to heart for once? Do you want to lose this young man because of your stubbornness? He said that you were going to resign after marriage.

Back in our days, females couldn't work after marriage. I have told you severally that your job is to make babies and food for your family. You have to re…

Nora drooped her spoon on the table loudly "Why the fuck do you hate me so much? Why do you keep downgrading me because I'm a female? You should be happy for me. Do you like the way men treat females? I hate the fact that they feel they are superior. We are all humans for heaven's sake. I'm not resigning"

"What do you mean by you are not resigning? He told me that he wouldn't allow you to work after your wedding" She looked over to Dylan whose face was now buried in his food.

"If that is what he wants…" she stopped to look at them all. "You would do what your husband wants, right?" his mum began to smile.

"Then let's call off the wedding. It's over between us both" She stood up and exited the dining. Dylan stood up to follow her quickly. He would have loved it if she resigned, because of his insecurities but it wasn't the right time to ask for that.

He was well aware that she didn't love him, and that was why he hastened the proposal and wedding to make her his. Before he got out, she already left the compound. He sighed before going back in.

He had some unfinished business.