Chapter 17

That night Song Zhi You had a very long dream.

It was about the real Song Zhi You's life,how she was tortured by her family.

The doctors had to take blood from her 3 times a week.

Song Zhi You is just watching from the side it but she felt the vile personality of those people.

Why torment that still underage Song Zhi You?they can buy blood from hospitals but they insist on relying on her blood.

Song Zhi You's eyes darken.

At first she ignore this point,but now she chuckle.

Song Xinyi was the female lead of the stupid book.

She was typical kind and gentle lady.

Because of her sunny desposition a lot of men got attracted by her.

But looking back at the memory,it was not the case.

The female lead is obviously an evil creature.

If she is really kind,why insisting on taking Song Zhi You's blood?

And they already knew that she will be compatible with Song Xinyi meaning they already know from the start but why still wait for Song Zhi You?

They can find some donor!they are not poor who wont afford that tiny amount.

If she is kind as the book say then why she didnt think about the real daughter Song Zhi You?

The Song couple will surely listen to her,her minions will surely let her do as she wants!why keep quiet all those times?

She already saw how tortured Song Zhi You but she is just looking away.

Song Zhi You laugh,the real one is kind but she is not!

Because a lot of things is now questionable then,she will just have to find the answer right?

When she woke,she look at the mirror and said

"I guess normal life wont work anymore"

She want the Song family to pay what they owe to the real Song Zhi You.

Remembering how devastated and battered the real Song Zhi You is, physically and mentally she smile.

If someone can see her smile they will surely feel terrified.

It is not her usual practiced smile but it was utterly cold and menacing.

After washing up she looked at the time then start typing at her computer,because she is already determine to have a little revenge so no more normal living a normal life for her.

She hack the Song bank accounts,she transfer several millions to unknown account.

Then start buying stocks of the Song company.

Then she start hacking their personal computers,from the Song home to their business.

She copy everything didnt spare anything.

Then the Wong family,take half of their money then,contact some of Wong business share holder and sucessfully buy 8 percent of shares.

She smile then check the time,then leave.

When she enter the classroom,she secretly lamented

"What a boring and coward person"

She expected more from Song family,but no hurry.

Song Xinyi's desease is already starting to mutate.

Her organs is already starting to fail.

They will find her again.

That night Lu Zhimming came as uninvited visitor again

"Little Zhi You did you miss me?"

He ask with a frivolous tone.

Song Zhi You just throw him a glance and proceed doing what she is doing.

Lu Zhimming chuckle,already use on being ignored so he sat down beside her,he looked on what she is doing,he laugh then comment

"You are doing some boring things little beast"

She gave him side glance then ignore him again so Lu Zhimming continue

"Hacking for their scandal is really boring!why not catch them and record them making a live scandal?"

She stopped and laugh

"I didnt know you have this childish side"

What is the worth of that if your opponent will be crushed instantly!

"Then play them as you want"

Lu Zhimming said,he also loves the feeling of playing with his prey.

Play them,destroy them bit by bit,give them hope then destroy that hope.

It will be more interesting if there is still a little light in their eyes then crash them!

The exhilarating feeling of playing with the prey is really addicting.