Chapter 18

Song Zhi You finished sorting out her work then turn to Lu Zhimming who was just looking at her intently


She asks with a frown

"I am just thinking what more surprise can bring me"

"I am not some kind of your entertaining device"

Lu Zhimming chuckle

"This toy would be very entertaining but too bad!impossible to control"

Song Zhi You slap his hand that is playing with the strands of her hair

"Tell me straight why are you here"

Lu Zhimming takes back his hand feeling a little disappointed when the silky strands are not in his hand anymore.

"Is visiting you are not allowed?"

Song Zhi You smirk

"I get it! you are just bored"

Lu Zhimming laughs aloud but changes the subject

"I want to give you a gift"

"No need!"

Lu Zhimming smile mysteriously

"You sure? I am pretty sure that you will like it"

Song Zhi You look at him in disdain that makes him chuckle again

"It's about Song Xinyi"

As Lu Zhimming expected she finally look at him seriously

"I am not a shallow person who will give you something vulgar you know?"

He added

"What is it?"

She asks curiously

"It's just a small recording of her conversation with her doctor, it's interesting"

He said while smiling darkly, she look at him intently then ask

"You don't like her?"

He was dumbfounded for a moment by her question then his face darken

"What makes you think that?"

She heard his solemn tone so she explains

"I read a couple of articles about her, they said that she is a gentle, considerate, and kind person"

She looks at him with expectant expression and adds

"She looks so meek, the feeling of bullying her seems satisfying"

Lu Zhimming finally laugh

"I hate those kinds of people the most! and she is not as what you are saying, I like my woman to be ferocious and fearless! only this kind of woman can stand beside me"

Song Zhi You look at him weirdly and said seriously

"Good luck with finding that woman!"

He looks at her serious and sincere face he chuckles while shaking his head.

This girl is really innocent when it comes to a romantic topics.

But it is also fine, he can teach her slowly.

Song Zhi You took the USB flash drive and connect it to her tablet then play it.

The video was played, it was almost 3 years ago, it was in the hospital's office, Song Xinyi was sitting in front of a female doctor.

"Xinyi why are you here? any discomfort?tell me how do you feel?"

Song Xinyi shook her head and gently said

"Aunt I am fine! I just want to ask a question"

The doctor nodded so she continue

"You said that I will need blood right? a lot of blood?"

"Yes it is right"

Song Xinyi nod her head then said

"Aunt I think I already have my own human blood bank"

The doctor looks at her in confusion so she continues

"Aunt you need to tell my parents that the most suitable blood for me is from their real daughter"

The doctor was startled then hurriedly shake her head

"That is not good! you have a rare blood type but not unique enough to have a shortage! and besides, we still didn't know what is that girl's blood type!"

Song Xinyi smile

"Aunt you are a doctor! just throw them a bunch of medical terms and they will believe what you will say!"

"NO! that is unethical to my profession! I cannot do that!"

Song Xinyi giggle

"Then is my aunt saying that exchanging two children and pushing the blame on an innocent nurse is ethical to your profession?"

The doctor turn pale then said

"Okay! i will do as you say"

Song Xinyi laughs sweetly

"Thank you aunt"

Then she left leaving the pale doctor inside her office.

Song Zhi You raise her eyebrow then laugh.