Chapter 19

Borrowing a knife to kill a person! nicely done! and even killing two birds!"

Lu Zhimming chuckle and ask her

"You don't feel anything?"

Song Zhi You understand his meaning, her so-called biological parents' willingness in sacrificing her and choosing this fake daughter over her should hurt her but

"I don't have a family. since I came into this world I am bound to be alone! I don't need them and won't be needing them"

Lu Zhimming pat her head gently

"Don't say that you are bound to be alone! someone will be with you and will always be with you! It's okay not to need them not but little beast try opening your eyes and heart to someone else. I know you are strong but each person is not born to be alone, someone will be out there somewhere or even around and be with you! trust me in this, just try opening your heart for them"

Song Zhi You didn't answer, obviously not believing so he adds

"Why not let's do this! I will stay with you until the end! I will sign a contract, if I leave you I will give you all of my wealth"

Song Zhi You laugh, then stand up to leave but Lu Zhimming takes her hand and pulls her back to sit

"I am serious! I will call my lawyer now to make the contract now"

Song Zhi You saw that she is serious so she exclaims

"That is crazy! why go that far? are you insane?"

Lu Zhimming chuckle

"Little beast I just want to prove to you that if you just open up someone will stay with you and will be worth your trust"

Song Zhi You fall into deep contemplation.

Trust never exist in her vocabulary, in her previous life she has these so-called trusted people but she still didn't trust them fully!

Even after death still, no one knows her real gender, she sigh and look at the serious Lu Zhimming

"I don't really trust people or even myself but I will try Lu Zhimming, it will be hard but I hope that it will be worth it!"

Lu Zhimming smile, it was not his usual frivolous smile but smile from the bottom of his heart.

That night while lying in his bed he remember the little wild beast.

He doesn't know when his feeling deepens.

At first, he was just interested, she was different from any other! she is wild and dangerous!

She is obviously an untamed beast but she is trying to hide her wildness and ferociousness.

Those stupid people thought that she is one of them.

Then, later on, he discovers that she is really that indifferent, she saved the Cao family's little girl even though she is uncomfortable with skin contact.

The way she refused to let others see her wounded self is really admirable.

The way she ignores his existence is really something.

He knows she already knows his identity and nature.

And even himself won't deny it but she didn't react at all!

The underground king Lu Zhimming, was never a good news.

He is the leader of the largest mafia in the country.

He admits he is a bad person but he has a bottom line and that is drugs and human trafficking.

Guns, large casinos, exporting and importing expensive items, and even killing are all illegal and that was he known but who cares?

The government knows but they don't have the necessary evidence so they cannot convict him.

These are all things he knew Song Zhi You knows.

But she remains the same, cold and indifferent.

If he didn't brush his existence she won't remember him, everything she needs ad wanted if she ask him he can give but she never did!

She didn't even forget about to pay the hospitalization before and insisted to pay for Nurse Mu's salary.

He is not blind, he is clear that she is not playing or being pretentious.

He knows she just hated owing something from someone.

Her pride is really big! bigger than mount Tai!

He doesn't know what exactly is the reason why his feeling gets deeper but he liked it.

And Song Zhi You is worth it!