Chapter 21

"In exchange for?"

Song Zhi You looked at his excessive reaction, she look down and continue eating while saying nonchalantly

"You have helped me a lot! It's only fair to give you something as there any problem with doing that?"

Lu Zhimming smile and tease her

"If you do that maybe my mouth won't accept anything except your cooking anymore!"

Song Zhi You just inwardly roll her eyes at his crazy words.

Lu Zhimming chuckle seeing her ignoring him again so he goes back to the main topic

"I like the idea but just do it if you are available! you don't need to pressure yourself, as long as you cook for yourself just make some extra for me! inform me if you make me some"

Song Zhi You nod her head and they continue eating.

The very next day, Lu Zhimming received a lunch box at his office.

The employees almost can't look at their illuminating boss!

The assistant's mouth twitched, he already knows that miss Song Zhi You would be sending a meal to his boss but he didn't expect the efficiency of miss Song is this good.

The whole day, their smiling devil boss is illuminating like an angel!

When the weekend comes, Song Zhi You leave earlier, so when the Song couple knocks on her door she is already long gone.

The bored middle-aged woman saw them again and then said

"The girl living in there left"

Song Wu knit his eyebrows and ask impatiently


The woman snort

"The girl living there is an orphan! of course, she needs to feed herself! she is working every weekend just to have food to eat! I pity this girl! her parents are really hateful! abandoning a newborn child! what a disgusting parents!hmmph!"

The Song couple turns black then blue, the other middle-aged woman opens their doors and heard everything so one of them add

"The girl is really good! if our children need someone to teach she is always teaching them!"

Then a round of gossip came

"I heard she is a scholar since grade school"

"Yes and even tend to herself since she is 10!really pitiful! I really wish I have a daughter like her!"

The others agreed

"Her parents are really!aay!let us not talk about those scoundrel people!"

Then they turn to the Couple

"So why are you looking for the girl?"

The Song couple has been greatly ridiculed so Jia Yue shouts at them


the gossipers were angered then start shouting back


the other one hurriedly took her mobile to dial but Song Wu took away the phone,

The middle-aged woman cannot be outdone so she took back her mobile phone and the other one pushed Song Wu!

The one who yelled pushed Jia Yue away resulting in her falling.

Song Wu was angered so she slap one of the women, the 3 were now greatly angered then all of them attack Song Wu!

A teenager saw the brawl so he hurriedly call the police.

Resulting in 5 of them ending up at the police station.

One of the women explain

"Sir officer it is like this! These two people came knocking at our neighbor's door! we just kindly told them that the person living there is working! then this woman shouts at us! then this man slaps my face because he doesn't want us to call the police!"

The police officer looks at the rich-looking couple then ask

"Do you know who was living in there?"

Song Wu nod

"Who is she?"

Song Wu didn't answer so the 3 women snorted

"See officer? they don't know and yet they knocked on her door 2 times now!"

Jia Yue is already impatient so she said without a care

"She is our daughter!"

The women snort again and one of them said

"Lie again! our neighbor is an orphan! everyone in the building knows that!"

The police officer rub his head then said

"Give me the number! I will call her here".