Chapter 22

The police officers were startled when they saw Song Zhi You.

They remember her because just some weeks ago she was almost kidnapped

"Sir officer, how can I help you?"

She asks politely

The police tell the whole story and ask

"Are they telling the truth?"

Song Zhi You look at the Sing couple and shook her head

"Sir I don't know why they are telling me that they are my daughter but you know as well that I was abandoned! I don't have parents so where did these parents come from?"

Then she turns to the 3 gossipers

"My neighborhood knows this as well! maybe they just want to protect me so they had a brawl with these people? sir, please let them go? besides, it was not them who trespass right?"

The 3 middle-aged women nod their heads like chickens eating corn.

The police officer look at the dark face of the couple and said

"What if they are your biological parent"

Song Zhi You purse her lips

"Sir you are jesting! the madam and sir here look rich! their clothes look expensive! the bag looks like a very well-known designer! even the jewelry and shoes! if they are my parents why they didn't search for me? why just show up now? I never leave the city since I was abandoned! they can obviously find me really fast but why they took 18 years? they remember me now because they need something from me?"

Before saying the last sentence she look straight at the Song couple, they already didn't know how to explain and now Song Zhi You look at them in full of contempt they want to just remain silent but remembering Song Xinyi Jia Yue said

"You are our daughter!"

Song Zhi You look at her then ask

"Do you have any proof that I am your daughter?"

The couple was silent again so she ask the police

"See? they don't have any proof! sir, can I have a request?"

The police sigh and ask

"What is it?"

"Restraint order? so they won't come to me again?"

Song Wu was startled

"You cannot do that! we are your parents, you rebellious girl!"

Song Zhi You took several steps back, looking frightened.

The police cover her then look at Song Wu warning him then turn to Song Zhi You

"This thing can be only ordered by the court"

The police were about to continue but were stopped by a man

"Officer I am Qi Zuo I am miss Song's lawyer"

Song Zhi You just glance at the lawyer and just look away.

The lawyer left with the police officer to talk then after only half an hour she was led out with her 3 neighbors.

She thanked them and pay for their cab.

Then she turns to her so-called Lawyer and asks

"So lawyer Qi kindly explain?"

Qi Zhou gave her his calling card and reintroduce himself

"Miss Song I am Qi Zhou, I was sent by master Lu over"

"Figure it out"

So Qi Zhou continue

"I already talk with the police and just a word for you we can have a court summon against the Song couple! and I will assure you that you will have the restraint order you want"

Somg Zhi You smile and nod

"Then I will rely on lawyer Qi for the restraint order"

Qi Zhou sighed, he is handling a multi-million or sometimes worth billion case.

It will be the first since he started his career.

But the boss's order is to do what miss Song wants so he will do his very best to have the longest restraint order he can have but

"Lawyer Qi don't give them a long-term order,1 month at most! I just want a month"

Qi Zhou was startled then look at her when he saw the predator smile he understand why his boss is attracted to this Song Zhi You.

Song Zhi You are an interesting person! this predator smile with a hint of bloodthirst can't be coming from this 18-year-old girl!