Chapter 23

"Why ask for a restraint order? i thought you are bored?"

Lu Zhimming ask Song Zhi You while having dinner together,

"I need preparation for the entrance exam, and i want to see how far they can go for their beloved daughter"

Lu Zhimming knit his eyebrows and a little annoyed

"Are you sure you are not hurting yourself by doing this?"

She paused then look up, seeing his concern face she laugh8

"I don't have family, i never have and never will! you can call me heartless but it is the truth! for me, i can live and die alone"

Lu Zhimming pat her head gently

"It's good that you won't feel disappointed!i don't care how you play but as long you won't get hurt then it's fine,i don't think you are heartless but i think they don't deserve you! little beast as long as i am alive i won't let you live and die alone"

Then suddenly there is a sudden loud 'thump' in his heart seeing her smile, it was not the usual practiced smile she is always wearing but a smile from a bottom of her heart.

Then he reach out to touch her cheek then add

"The 18 years old girl should smile like this! but i think it's good if you always smile like this! i will become eviler!"

Song Zhi You was startled by a sudden touch on her cheeks, she doesn't like contact with anyone but she doesn't reject Lu Zhimming's touch,

She doesn't get what she mean but, after he said those words there is a warm feeling inside her, it was the first time she ever felt that way, but she didn't know that she actually smiled, but she didn't get what he means about becoming more evil, she doesn't think there will be eviler than him.

"Thank you Lu Zhimming! i promise you that i will repay everything you have done for me"

Lu Zhimming chuckle

"Then it will be no end on repaying me because i as said as long as i live you won't be alone!"

Song Zhi You purse her lips while thinking hard

"It won't be good! you are already at the right age to marry! and it won't be good if you still stick to me!"

Lu Zhimming look at her with profound gaze then ask

"You don't want a title?"

Song Zhi You look at him with confusion so Lu Zhimming just laughs and just says

"It's still early for that! i can wait so no need to pressure yourself about that"

Song Zhi You look at him more confused then ask

"So it's real that the men came from mars?"

Lu Zhimming laugh again and give her some more food

"Eat! don't think anything else! just enjoy everything".

Qi Zou is really live up to his name as the most effective lawyer, after 3 days he managed to achieve the one-month restraining order she wanted.

There are 2 more weeks before the entrance exam.

She wonder what they will do?

She smile excitedly, thinking of the amusement they could bring her.

After years of waiting and preparing, the day of the entrance exam finally came.

"Okay after you finish answering everything, pass it and rest!no need to stress yourself"

Said Lu Zhimming confidently, he insisted on coming with her,

"Yes, miss! we know that this will be easy for you!"

And even nurse Mu purposely ask for a leave for the entrance exam to support her.

"My teacher will naturally can do it without a problem!"

Brag Cao Yuze

"You brat! stop talking nonsense!do you think i forget that you didn't go to class today!?"

Roar master Cao after slapping him on his head.

Song You Zhi shook her head while looking at the people around her.

In her last life, except for her grandfather, only bodyguards send her to the college entrance exam.

"Thank you"

She said while looking at them, Lu Zhimming put his huge hand on her head and tease

"What thank you? you will pay for everything you know? the hotel accommodation, the food, and our salary!"

Song Zhi You laugh while rolling her eyes

"What hotel accommodation? food and salary? your house is the nearest in here!"